Last week my husband went on a date and were walking down Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona. A group of people were gathered across the street singing a song. I asked my husband what they were singing, since I couldn't understand them. Then, I saw the sign that said, "Jesus -- Lord, Savior, or Fraud??" A few minutes later there was a loud shouting, "DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE SON OF GOD? YOU MUST BELIEVE IN THE SON OF GOD!" A street preacher was on the other corner yelling at the first group. As a Christian, it's embarassing to see someone yelling like this. It just makes us look like quacks and gives ammunition to these people.
1 Corinthians 1:18
I say a prayer for encouragement and strength from the Lord to that very humble steward!
I've been blessed in the last ten years to understand, and testify on behalve of them that do "street preaching!". It is an admirable task, several pastors I've learned under were taught this ministry by their very seminary. And also many evangelists from other countries find this to be a great impact in large city squares.... especially amongst other heathen preachers!
May I draw your attention to a scripture verse?
It's in Acts, chapter 16: It's good to start at verse 11, but I'll go down to the ones that recognize a little of what went on in those days(and we are still in the Bible days until the New Jerusalem is hovering above the earth)!
What would you do today, if you saw two men, both professing Christ. Maybe one possessed, wishing to scare you, while the other, in as much compassion as Christ and His immediate Disciples was sharing the same story. How would you handle this?
Would you still feel they look like quacks, or would you say a prayer of discernment, and wait upon the Lord, hoping that some life may be changed?
You may also want to read up on Genesis, Esther(great example of hatefulness) Revelations and the book of Job. Satan and those that follow in it's path, don't need to look for ammunition. The Bible, Gods very Thoughts, have already given testification of that ammunation. It's the same today as it was back during the days of Adam & Eve!
It just looks updated with our Libertines and evolutionary experts clawing at our very foundation as Christians!