I had never heard of Dr. Jassar. What an interesting man. Here's a bit from his website.
"Dr. Jasser is a former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander and served in the U.S. Navy as a medical officer from 1988-1999. In 2002, he noted the obvious increasing American attention to Islam and Muslims and their role in the national and international war against Islamo-fascists. As a result of what he felt to be a paucity of Muslim scholarship demonstrating the synergy of American democracy and its founding principles with the religion of Islam, he set out to form AIFD. He felt that many Muslims came to America in fact somewhat similarly to our founding fathers and so many others seeking freedom, liberty, and the American dream in order to escape religious persecution from so-called "Islamic" lands."
I have posted about a dozen of his editorials.
If you'd like to read them, search under Keyword - Jasser