Posted on 10/10/2004 8:18:35 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
McALLEN, Texas - The wife of presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) told a receptive audience in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas that Kerry would seek out all other options before going to war.
"John will never send a boy or girl in a uniform anywhere in the world because of our need and greed for oil," Teresa Heinz Kerry told about 1,200 supporters at the McAllen Civic Center.
She said her husband, as president, would be able to approach the families of slain soldiers and say, "'I did everything I could to prevent this, I'm sorry.' "
She spoke for about an hour and was interrupted frequently by applause and cheering, The (McAllen) Monitor reported in its Monday editions.
Earlier, Heinz Kerry attended a $1,000-a-head private fund-raiser at the McAllen home of developer Alonzo Cantu. It was not immediately clear how much the event raised.
Speaking at the rally, Heinz Kerry criticized President Bush (news - web sites)'s working relationships with other nations.
"Diplomacy is not about, `I'm telling you.' Diplomacy is about, `what do you think?'" Heinz Kerry said. "If you cannot have respect for the other side, you cannot have diplomacy."
Heinz Kerry, switching to Spanish, encouraged supporters to go to the polls.
Hidalgo County, where Heinz Kerry spoke, is one of the most Democratic in Bush's home state. Democrat Al Gore (news - web sites) took 61 percent of the vote in the county in 2000, to Bush's 38 percent.
Last month, Heinz Kerry attended a private fund-raiser in San Antonio and spoke to campaign volunteers. In July, a San Antonio event for Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards (news - web sites) raised a record $600,000.
Bush campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Miller said Sunday that the Democratic nominee is out of step with Texas.
"John Kerry's 20-year out-of-the-mainstream record does not represent the values of Texans nor does his plan to raise taxes and his lack of a plan to win the war on terror," Miller said.
Teresa Heinz Kerry speaks to supporters of her husband, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites), at the McAllen Civic Center in McAllen, Texas, Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004. (AP Photo/ The Monitor, James Nedock)
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) speaks to the congregation at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Miami, Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004. (AP Photo/Carl Juste, Pool)
Nothing ticks me off more than people calling our military men and women, "kids" or worse yet, "boys and girls".
Attention MSM:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) (L) holds hands with Rev. Jesse Jackson (news - web sites) (C) and Rev. Al Sharpton (news - web sites) (R) during a prayer at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Miami, Florida.(AFP/Luke Frazza)
The old "war for oil" talking point. Canada supplies us with oil also, wouldn't it be more cost effectve to invade and conquer Canada and steal their oil? And while we are at it keep going northwest and drill in ANWAR since we already own that.
Remember "vote often, and vote well"
These GROWN Men and Women have more courage and patriotism in their little fingers that this disgusting "African-American" beotch has in her whole hideous hide.
When are we going to declare open season on these America-hating leftists????
"If only you had been wearing a flak jacket, this might not have happened."
In other words, would NEVER use American military might to pre-empt gathering threats in this most dangerous of times. The man is not fit to command.
Yeah Kerry would fiddle while America Burns!
A war for oil? Laura Bush should slap her next time they are together.
May God help us.
Works for me!!!! WE can annex the western states...
Her husband insulted the audience at the debate the other night by assuming that none of them could possible qualify for the over $200k tax rollback. Now she refers to our military in terms that brings the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to mind instead of the brave, committed men and women that deserve her respect.
Neither of them have a clue
How comforting to have a POTUS show up at the funeral to say 'Don't blame me!' -- NOT!
question for Ms. Kerry: If this war was about oil...then..WHERE THE HELL IS THE OIL???? Why am I paying $2.30 a gallon? Why doesn't anyone questions these people???????
There you go -- we could just run it down here by pipeline.
Then I would really pi$$ you off, because I call them "our babies", but then I'm almost 60. I know they're men and women, but they're part of us, the best part.
The interview article that was re-posted from the Washington Post yesterday stated that after John Heinz died she started taking Prozac.
Me thinks she's taking too much Prozac...
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