23 Days...and President George W. Bush will be re-elected and John Kerry can go back to neglecting his job in the Senate, and Windsurf and Snow Ski...all the live long day...Ain't it grand!
from your mouth to GOD's ears.
did you read the rest of the article? It quotes Kerry aids that say that Kerry's internals show he's ahead in Florida and Ohio...I DON"T believe that for a second since other polls show Bush besting Kerry on all of the internals..CNN is STILL CNN
Yes, but will momma T keep the Kennedy puppet on the payroll?
One thing we hope hope he will continue to do.
Yeah...bur wouldnt it be better if he summered and wintered in France?
Did anyone here Dick Morris' comments about John Kerry last week on Hannity & Colmes? He said that Kerry had never visited the Clinton Whitehouse and was considered a total lightweight in Congress. He went on to say that Kerry was the one who always wanted to go home early for dinner when the Senate was in session and Kennedy would send him to negotiate early adjourments, etc.
Alan was not happy to hear this.