In fact I did put in yeoman's work in 2000 to get the man elected. And you know I worked for him whenever he came out to the midwest. However, I have other priorities at the moment. I shudder to think where he would be without the running start the Swift Boat Vets gave him.
You might think me negative, but I just offering criticisms because I refuse to be a non-thinking, reactionary cheeleader for medicrity. I have been dissatified with the way the campaign has been run until about August. If you look at my posts, I have been quite complimentary of the campaign for the last 2 months. After Kerry's "no bounce" convention I knew Kerry was in trouble.
Like I said, I'd love to see you produce that quote. My impressions of the debate, then and now, are that Bush handily beat Kerry on substance but definitely lost the style points. I didn't see the debate mattering much either way, and I still don't.;more=22765453