If this hands it to Kerry, then Bush has nobody to blame but himself. It is a bad positions. A very bad position.
"Hold you nose and pull the lever" is getting tiring.
When you get someone in office who ignores their voter base, and does as they please because they are sure the party faithful will stick with them no matter what - then you begin to have big, big problems.
That's another example of "Be careful what you wish for".
If you want to repeatedly send the message that you can ignore the wishes of the people who put you in office, and still get re-elected - then you start down an even more ominous slop than a Kerry victory in 2004.
If the true Republicans have to take one for the team to make sure that their next candidate doesn't take them for granted the next time around, then it is 4 years of sacrifice well spent.
This stuff isn't easy. It would be easy (and cowardly, IMHO), to go pull the lever for someone that you think is running a treasonous immigration policy, because you are towing the party line.
The lemming mentality is the reason things get to where they do. You get taken for granted. You have been taken for granted. You either let it happen, or you reclaim you vote, and let the "bad" guy win. It all depends on how badly you want politics as usual to continue. "The lessor of two evils" is the cowards arguement, IMHO.
I voted for Bush in 2000 (and I don't really care if you believe me or not).
Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me.
I am proud and excited to vote for G W Bush.
His leadership after 9/11 on the war on terror has been excellent. taking out the AQ Khan network, defeating the Taliban
and taking out Saddam Hussein, and capturing or killing most of the Al Qaeda leadership was great. we did the right thing - in Afghanistan, in iraq, in Librya, in the whole GWOT. It was about time we declared war on terrorists!
Not just that, but the transformation of the DoD has been excellent, we have a great leader in Rumsfeld.
Bush's leadership in nominating conservative Judges, defending our values, has been suberb. This include defending the unborn, but goes way beyond it. what a change from Clinton!
His passage of the largest tax cuts in 20 years was Reaganesque ... it was the right tax cuts, at the right time, for the right reason. our economy is now booming thanks to the tax cuts.
It's lunacy to talk of the second best President in my lifetime (after Reagan) as a 'lesser' of anything.
Single-issue immigration lunacy, handing the election over to pro-anmesty democrats, will lead you to electoral and cultural oblivion. It's really simple: Most Republicans, including my own Congressman are on the correct side on immigration (he's Lamar Smith). Him and Tancredo and Saxby Chambliss and a host of others are fighting to reform immigration laws and protect our borders ... and their allies are ALL REPUBLICANS.
It's not difficult to see: You want immigration laws to get fixed so we stop illegal immigration - vote Republican, and hold them to the fire. You want amnesty? Sit on your hands and let the Democrats win. Anyone who defeats Republicans is defeating our only chance to defend our borders and stop illegal immigration. But this is just one of 20 issues that will get worse if Kerry is elected.