Zell needs nothing other than companionship from like minded folks with conservative values.... conservative values that prior to the Clinton's seizure of the Democrat Party Machinery, were indistinguishable from the middle 40% of Americans.... today, the Democrat Party has vered so hard ot the left that their current presidential party ticket includes both members considered (and touting a view/party line) that is no closer than 35% from center of mass. Center of mass being 50% and 1% at the Left or Right make it impossible for the Democrats to defeat a centralist Republican who can easily reach 15% into Democrat ranks, e.g., 35%; yet Kerry and Edwards cannot reach that same 35% of the Democrats, let alone the center 50% or even crack the 49% of the Republican faithful. Kerry and Edwards are locked into the "protester" section of a radical agenda based Party elite cobbled together from the likes of the Abortion Crowd, the Gay Rights, Anti-Christian (any religion/philosophy but...), NEA/NTA educators, and the UN lovers - all of which stand against families on just about every issue.
Zell doesn't need nor could he as an honest man go to his grave in the Service of what the Democrat Party has today come to represent!