Tonight, on VH1's "Where are they now?": Lurch and Fester
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To: Paul Atreides
Rehearsing for the concession speech?
2 posted on
09/23/2004 7:22:22 PM PDT by
(Hurricane Season is Over)
To: Paul Atreides
More like Cousin It gets a hair cut.
3 posted on
09/23/2004 7:23:16 PM PDT by
To: Paul Atreides
Did I say "scumbags"? I meant to say "retards."
5 posted on
09/23/2004 7:24:08 PM PDT by
To: Paul Atreides
"Those people on Free Republic are right, DO look rather fetching in that straitjacket"
7 posted on
09/23/2004 7:26:10 PM PDT by
("Dork"; a 60's term for a 60's kinda guy: JFK)
To: Paul Atreides
"Every sylabble out of your damned mouth is worth a Thousand votes for Bush."
8 posted on
09/23/2004 7:27:46 PM PDT by
Redcoat LI
("I am the great and powerful Kerry! Look at my medals!")
To: Paul Atreides
Well... It looks as if the bitch washed her hair. Of course, Lurch ha s his man/maid servant coiffing his hair. What a pathetic bunch of phoney swine; not fit to be breathing oxygen in this country. My wife, Karen, hates their guts! That's especially a good sentiment since we're very happy after hours....
9 posted on
09/23/2004 7:28:11 PM PDT by
(Babes should wear Bullet Bras -
To: Paul Atreides
''She looks better when I close one eye, and squint with the other.''
10 posted on
09/23/2004 7:29:23 PM PDT by
(liberalism - a narrow tribal outlook largely founded on class prejudice)
To: Paul Atreides
I see John and Dudley Moore. Where is T-Rexza?
To: Paul Atreides
"The things I nail for money and fame." -John sKerry
12 posted on
09/23/2004 7:31:05 PM PDT by
Angry Republican
(“If in four years I don’t do what I say I’m going to do, then kick me out." -Melvin Bilal (R-MD))
To: Paul Atreides
"Tell you what, Teresa: "I'll go to the costume party as Mr. Ed, and you go as Endora."
13 posted on
09/23/2004 7:31:18 PM PDT by
(Issuing my fatwas from the holy city of Auburn, California.)
To: Paul Atreides
Just remember Terezah, I have pictures of you "working" on that airplane.
15 posted on
09/23/2004 7:33:12 PM PDT by
To: Paul Atreides
Hummmm....come to think of it she does look a bit like an aged Barbie Doll on drugs.
To: Paul Atreides
Thank God those two didn*t breed.
17 posted on
09/23/2004 7:35:12 PM PDT by
(Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.)
To: Paul Atreides
Oh man what is that hanging off of her nose?
18 posted on
09/23/2004 7:36:29 PM PDT by
(Get with the program, Troops don't need body armor against spitballs)
To: Paul Atreides
"I just want to make it official: I am not raising John's weekly allowance until he does better in the polls!"
20 posted on
09/23/2004 7:37:11 PM PDT by
(Terry McAuliffe -- The Gift that Keeps on Giving)
To: Paul Atreides
This isn't a caption, but the more the country hears that woman speak, the more votes swing to George Bush.
To: Paul Atreides
23 posted on
09/23/2004 7:42:12 PM PDT by
To: Paul Atreides
25 posted on
09/23/2004 7:43:22 PM PDT by
("In the Kingdom of the Deluded, the Most Outrageous Liar is King".)
To: Paul Atreides
" I didn't say unamerican! You just shut up. What a bunch of scumbags and anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot."
This is sure proof that money does not buy class
27 posted on
09/23/2004 7:45:52 PM PDT by
(The sleeping Giant has been awakened)
To: Paul Atreides
30 posted on
09/23/2004 7:53:47 PM PDT by
(Dick Cheney can be President. - President Bush)
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