Well if you hang aroud FR and then listen to his show almost everything heard on his show was on Fr before the show. I think that most people can connect the dots.
Well, of course.
Think about it, we have a full 24 hour cycle here to explore breaking news articles and discuss um before Rush's show comes on for its fabulous three hour information tour.
Of course much of what Rush reports on coincides with what we are ranting about here...and that he always has news bits that we have not uncovered, is a testament to Rush's sources, garnered over the years of his program, and to his research staff and probably Rush, himself, hitting the newswires.
And this is a great site for Rush to come and quickly read conservatie reaction to various stories....perhaps he does gleen from our site exactly what topics are causing the most interest and flurry on any given day...that is a GOOD THING!