Thought Two: "It would be like an American today meeting with the heads of al Qaeda." Team Kerry better have a good defense to refute that talking point, because if that one sentence comparison breaks through the media static and gets into voter's heads, Kerry will make Walter Mondale look like Bill Clinton.
Didn't go to negotiate? Why then did he go? Just to sip wine with old friends?
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They keep saying it wasn't a secret, that he told Congress about it. This is a strawman argument. It WAS A SECRET when it happened. He did not tell Congress 'til afterwards!
Good thing they're saving their strongest messages till last. More to come...
Benedict Arnold was a real war hero, who won battles and was badly wounded.
He still turned traitor, just like Kerry.
I've never seen this mentioned, but I'm curious about how Kerry was able to contact the Viet Cong to set up the meeting in Paris.