The Chechens have admitted to seizing the school and the people, for that alone they should be put to death.
Now, let's go on to the actual massacre.
My problem lies with the fact that the Russian warships and the tanks behind the school having a gun battle which involved not only the Russian forces and the terrorists, but also the townspeople did nothing more than elevate the casualties; I find it quite disturbing that in spite of the fact that the crossfire between the 30+ terrorists, and all the firepower outside that school, every single casualty is blamed on the terrorists, who by even official Russian accounts, were trying to flee the scene.
There are a lot of reports out there that cast doubts on exactly what we know and what we don't know about this.
I for one, don't believe that the FSB is any different than the KGB, especially since it's run by the same people, and I remember the KGB's brutality, and their disdain for human life.
What monstrosity.
You sound like Kerry----flip flop--flip flop