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Terrorists in Muslim Disguise
Inside Story World Report ^

Posted on 09/19/2004 1:25:01 PM PDT by GIJoel

Terrorists in Muslim Disguise (a must read) Inside Story: World Report August 1994

Now that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is beginning to defeat Israel, it is pulling out one of its most powerful terrorist weapons to finish the surrender process. That weapon is commonly known as "Islamic fundamentalism."

On Monday, July 18 [1994], a powerful car bomb exploded in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina. The target, a seven-story Jewish community center, was completely destroyed, leaving nearly 100 dead and another 100 wounded.1

Eight days later, another car bomb was detonated—this time at the Israeli embassy in London, England. The embassy and other adjoining buildings suffered damage, and 14 people were injured.2

Authorities in Israel and elsewhere immediately blamed Muslim "extremists" for the terrorist attacks, and specifically named the group Hezballah (meaning "Party of G-d"). For the PLO, this was a convenient dodge allowing it to disclaim responsibility.

But more importantly, the PLO is now using these attacks as an excuse to accelerate the surrender of Israel. The logic is chillingly simple: according to news accounts of the second bombing, British authorities "presumed it to be an attempt to disrupt the peace process," and "Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel... said Islamic extremists were seeking to disrupt the Arab-Israeli reconciliation process."3 Thus peace on any terms must be made quickly with the PLO, lest the "extremists" succeed in stopping the "peace process." The PLO provides the carrot, while "Muslim fundamentalists" provide the stick.

A myth has been engineered in the last several years regarding "Islamic fundamentalism." According to this idea, the PLO and its main factions have become moderate, willing to recognize Israel and negotiate a compromise solution. However, radical Muslims, including Hezballah, Islamic Jihad, the Amal Militia, and Hamas, are said to oppose such compromises violently. Every time these extremists carry out another terrorist attack, Israel is pressured to make more concessions to the PLO.

In reality, this is a classic example of dialectical strategy at work. Writing in Commentary magazine, Jerusalem Post editor David Bar-Illan exposed the clever strategy: "[Israeli] government spokesmen prefer to pretend that the killers are not operatives of the 'moderate' Arafat, supporter of the peace talks, but 'enemies of the peace process,' such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and PLO radicals... The not unreasonable assumption behind this charade is that the public might resent continued talks with proxies of the 'mainstream' PLO in Washington while its gunmen are killing Israelis back home."4

Just as the PLO does not represent palestinian or Arab interests, the "Islamic fundamentalists" are not religious in nature. Rather, all these organizations have been created, supported, and directed by the Communists, operating on orders emanating from Moscow.

The terrorist group Hezballah, and its official sponsor, the government of Iran, provide a case in point.

Because of media distortion, the Ayatollah Khomeini was seen in the west as a fanatic religious leader. But the Iraqi family of the Grand Ayatollah Muhsen Hakim-Tabataba'i, which in the 1960s and 1970s exercised leadership over the Shi'ite movement of Islam, opposed Khomeini so thoroughly that they worked closely with the Shah of Iran. Saddam Hussein, the Soviet-backed dictator of Iraq, murdered the family at his first opportunity, thereby eliminating Shi'ite opposition to Khomeini.5

Khomeini's revolutionary movement was known as "Islamic Marxism," a movement begun from within the Russian Bolshevik Party in 1916.6 During the 1970s, the Soviet Union mobilized its resources to organize a revolution in Iran, with Khomeini as its official leader. Khomeini's brother was serving time in prison as a member of the Tudeh Party—the Communist Party of Iran; Khomeini's intimate advisor, Sadegh Ghothzadeh, was an affiliate of the French and Italian Communist Parties. Soon the Soviets were broadcasting pro-Khomeini propaganda into Iran, while they began publishing a well-funded revolutionary magazine entitled Navid, meaning "Good News." KGB agents working among the 4,000 Soviet personnel in Iran coordinated the protests and riots, and the Tudeh Party, acting on Soviet orders, openly backed the "Islamic" revolution and created a broad coalition of the Left to support Khomeini.7

Moscow also mobilized the PLO to back Khomeini. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, led by self-proclaimed Marxist Leninist George Habash, supplied training and weapons to the Feda'iyin-e Khalq, the Iranian Islamic-Marxist terrorist group that began the revolution to overthrow the Shah. Meanwhile, Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization trained and armed the Mujahedin-e Khalq, another main pillar of Khomeini's revolution, and it trained future members of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, including the Minister of the Guards later appointed by Khomeini.8

Once Khomeini seized power in Iran, Arafat brought a large delegation of PLO officials into the country, where "he was formally given the Israeli consulate building and, raising the Palestinian flag over it, opened the first PLO office, also appointing a PLO 'ambassador' to Iran."9 The Soviet Union and Communist China have since continued to arm Iran with weapons.

Khomeini immediately created Hezballah as an international terrorist wing of the PLO-trained Revolutionary Guards. Inside Iran, Hezbellah worked closely with Iranian Communist organizations in consolidating the regime's power. The terrorist training camps in Iran have been supervised by Mostafa Chamran Savehi, a follower of Trotskyite Communism who, as a student in Berkeley, California during the 1960s, founded such Islamic-Marxist groups as Red Shi'ism and the Muslim Students' Association of America. The instructors at the Iranian terrorist camps have been Communist experts from North Korea and Syria, as well as Iranians trained by the PLO and the Communist government of Iraq.10

The organizer of Hezballah in Pakistan and Lebanon, Abbas Zamani, was also trained by the PLO and has been identified as a probable agent of the KGB.11 In Lebanon, Hezballah's terrorist mastermind has been Immad Mugniyeh. For years Mugniyeh was a leading member of Yasser Arafat's Force 17, an arm of Fatah. When the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 forced the PLO to leave, Arafat had Mugniyeh and other members of Force 17 switch over to Hezballah, allowing these terrorists to remain in Lebanon. Mugniyeh quickly became the effective head of Hezballah, and has coordinated Hezballah-PLO terrorism to this day. On Arafat's orders, the PLO transfers weapons, money, and terrorist units to Hezballah, while Hezballah has provided intelligence and other logistical support to the PLO—including helping PLO units infiltrate into Lebanon.12

In short, the "Islamic fundamentalists" are not religious at all, but are Communist fronts adopting a Muslim mask.

The "schism" between the PLO and "Islamic fundamentalists" has been staged as a clever ploy to force Israel into surrender. Now that Israel is indeed yielding to its implacable Communist enemies, it is only natural that terrorist attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets are being accelerated worldwide. By blaming the attacks on "extremists" who allegedly oppose the "peace process," the PLO can disavow the terror acts in which it participates, and can maintain an image of moderation for the West. In the face of this intensified pressure, Israel is likely to make concessions even faster than before. Watch for Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to begin placing the remainder of the strategic West Bank, and even Jerusalem itself, on the bargaining table.

On the other hand, the financing and political pressure for the PLO takeover is coming almost entirely from the United States, and President Clinton is now accelerating the process. If Congress chose to stop the President, Israel could take back the West Bank and Gaza, and could soon destroy the PLO and its allies.

1 Parks, M., Los Angeles Times, "Rabin links Hezbollah to Argentine blast," SF Chronicle, 7-20-94, p. A10. 2 "Israeli embassy in London bombed," SF Chronicle, 7-27-94, pp. A1, A13. 3 Ibid. 4 Bar-Illan, D., "Israel's New Pollyannas," Commentary, Sept. 1993, p. 30. 5 Taheri, A., Holy Terror, Adler & Adler, Bethesda, MD, 1987, p. 163. 6 Ibid., p. 217. 7 Rees, J., "How Jimmy Carter betrayed the Shah," The Review of the News, 2-21-79, pp. 31-48. 8 Alexander, Y. and Sinai, J., Terrorism: The PLO Connection, Crane Russak, New York, 1989, pp. 72-73. 9 Ibid., p. 73. 10 Taheri, Op cit., pp. 77-79, 88-105. 11 Ibid., p. 177; Laffin, J., Holy War: Islam Fights, Grafton Books, London, 1988, p. 79. 12 Livingstone, N.C. and Halevy, D., Inside the PLO, William Morrow & Co., New York, 1990, pp. 267-275

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Israel; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: communism; hezbollah; iran; israel; mugniyeh; pflp; plo; redjihad; terrorism; utterbollocks
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To: GIJoel

You post information from an unreliable source. In fact as scholarship goes he stands alone since he has no fellows backing up his claim. But typical of your type to post and run when confronted.

61 posted on 09/19/2004 9:49:46 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: GIJoel

From the October 2001 Idaho Observer:

Osama bin CIA?

by Hari Heath

62 posted on 09/19/2004 9:55:34 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro

Like I said, Destro, you're falling for Leftist propoganda.

If you doubt Antero Leitzinger's credentials, I suggest you conduct a google search on his work (type in Eurasian Politician, much of his work is there). As soon as the original link works again I will post it.

63 posted on 09/19/2004 10:05:26 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel


You might also want to check out the "We Are The Next Target" thread. You might learn something.

64 posted on 09/19/2004 10:06:31 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: MarMema

Maybe you should do a Russian thread....interesting comments, you have made. I was fascinated by that Putin quote on your home page. Can you give me any more info on it?


65 posted on 09/19/2004 10:40:07 PM PDT by TheLion
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To: TheLion
Putin was being criticized for his war on chechnya, I don't know, a year or two ago.

I believe it was a French reporter. This was his reply.

The translator, at the time, neglected to report the ending, but it was later fairly widely reported.

66 posted on 09/19/2004 10:50:41 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema

It sure leaves a mark! Maybe I can find it somewhere on the net.

Thanks for getting back.

67 posted on 09/19/2004 10:55:04 PM PDT by TheLion
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To: GIJoel
I suggest you take a closer look at the state of Russian "private" property.

Thanks but when I was there over 5 years ago, Russians had ownership of apartments and homes. And I lived with Russians but they often took me to Canadian and American homes nearby so I could speak English. My Russian was acceptable but wearying. The breaks were very nice.

At any rate it was from these Canadians and Americans living there, working there, that I learned much.

68 posted on 09/19/2004 10:55:36 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: GIJoel; MarMema
Some guy in a Finnish non-profit think tank. Who funds it? The Saudis? One of the so called Founding Fathers of ‘The Eurasian Politician’ claims to be from the Chechen Republic of to be Ichkeria.

You have been duped by Islam, a dhimmi. Islam's useful idiot.

For an article to claim that the Taliban were not backed by Pakistan's secret service or by Saudi money (the only two nations outside of "Chechen Ichkeria" to recognize them) leaves the scholarship of this author in shreds.


69 posted on 09/19/2004 11:21:24 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro

I'm not going to argue with a closed mind. If you want to rely on MSM sources for your information on the global terror network, be my guest.

70 posted on 09/19/2004 11:30:02 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel
And you rely on info by a group that supports Islamic insurgents in Eurasia - a group designed to publish disinformation to cover Saudi (and sad to say certain American groups like those in oil and the neocons) interests in Eurasia.
71 posted on 09/19/2004 11:35:04 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: GIJoel

PS: You know when this article was written? Mid 90s when Clinton was supporting Islamic independence movements all over Eurasia and the Balkans - using Muslims against Serbs and Russians and others to play the great game over control of natural resources and routes.

72 posted on 09/19/2004 11:37:01 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro

Destro, are you trying to be humorous, because you're starting to make me laugh.

73 posted on 09/19/2004 11:39:03 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel
The breakdown in terror is as follows:

The USSR trained and backed secular nationalist and socialist terrorists like the PLO and the IRA.

Iran funded local Shia terror organizations and the like and was independent of West and East.

America and the West made common cause with the fundamentalist Muslims out of which we saw the rise of al-Qaeda from the veterans of the Afghan war against the Soviets. If you want to call Latin American so called right wing death squads terrorists (I don't on a technicality) then they are from our side as well.

Not pretty but the truth never is.

74 posted on 09/19/2004 11:44:42 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorism by visiting
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To: Destro


If you really want to blow a gasket, do a Freep search for the ISWR special report, "We Are The Next Target." You'll love that one.

75 posted on 09/19/2004 11:53:28 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel

To: ApesForEvolution
Perfect example of Soviet/Russian terrorists in Muslim disquise. Pretend your Muslim, kill hundreds of innocent civilians, and then blame authentic Muslims. Does anyone want to take a stab at why the Soviets/Russians would do such a thing???

Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official Statement


Terrorism in Russia is organized and managed by the Russian security and military intelligence services for propaganda and scapegoating purposes. We do not think that the latest bombing in Moscow is an exception to this rule.

The fact that Russian security services in committing terrorist acts in Russia and elsewhere occasionally use their agents of Chechen origin does not make the Chechen people and the Chechen government responsible for the Kremlin's dreadful crimes. The Chechen government will not, under any circumstances, accept violence against civilians and civilian objects. We repeat that we condemn terrorism in all its forms.

We regret that the western governments fail to see that it is Russian governmental structures that organize these terrorist acts and that it is Russian agents that carry out these terrorist acts. There is a plenty of evidence to this.

For instance, Mr. Khanpasha Terkibaev, an ethnic Chechen serving for the Russian Secret Service and who is one of the main organizers and direct participant of the hostage taking in the Moscow Theater Center at Dubrovka in October 2002, is a clear proof that terror in Russia comes from the Russian government.

Mr. Khanpasha Terkibaev even after the hostage taking has continued to work for the Russian state structures, including the deputy head of President Putin's administration Mr. Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov and Putin's aide Mr. Sergei Vladimirovich Yastrzhembsky. As the hostage taking ended in killing not only Russian but also western nationals, we believe that western governments should no longer close eyes to Kremlin’s role in terrorism. [1]"

Press Office

See, for instance, Anna Politkovskaya’s article in Novaya Gazeta, issue # 30, 28 April 2003.

76 posted on 09/20/2004 11:49:24 AM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel
Now that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is beginning to defeat Israel


77 posted on 09/20/2004 3:19:43 PM PDT by Brad’s Gramma
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To: Brad's Gramma

The article stated "beginning to defeat Israel," not defeated Israel. If Israel is so much more powerful than the PLO and Co., then why do suicide bombers and bus bombs go off in Israel on a regular basis? Surely, if Israel is so powerful they could just surround the West Bank and Gaza and finish them off. Why don't they?

78 posted on 09/20/2004 4:02:32 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel

Why don't they?

They will. Trust me. They WILL!!! :)

79 posted on 09/20/2004 4:07:01 PM PDT by Brad’s Gramma
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To: Brad's Gramma
Ok, we agree on that. But Israel is clearly on the defensive, even though they have overwhelming superiority. Why?
80 posted on 09/20/2004 4:11:34 PM PDT by GIJoel
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