This seems right up their alley.
Yeah, I wonder. Where's the outrage?
YES!!!!Where are the Liberal Enviro-Wackos??? Ill tell you where they are, They are here trashing America, The Best Nation in the world, We are good stewards of resources and have the best standard of living and human rights, so why do Liberals hate America? Because they are EVIL Godless athiests, and they Love Communism! they are also Insane and will destroy us if they can. the Democrat leadership and their Special Interest friends are Children of the Devil.
This is NOT pollution. This a temporary dislocation of resources, an unfortunate byproduct of the glorious advance of the triumphant people's republic. A small price to pay for socialist justice and equality.
Now, if it was some private enterprise involved in even a speck of all this, you bet there'd be hell to pay.
America's environmental wackos are busy attending events, canvassing neighborhoods for Kerry, and spray painting "F*** BU$H" in public places. Unfortunately, protesting the real environmental nightmare, China, is not high on their list. Environmentalist groups don't find whining about China to be a good sob story to sing to their contributors. It is much easier to tell the ignorant massess that Big Oil is the root of all environmental evil.