In a debate this heated, I guess one can hardly expect CBS or Dan Rather to endorse the point of view that they've used forged documents in an attempt to harm a sitting President of the United States during wartime.
C-BS is calling a retired general a liar. Wow, that's the way to re-establishing credibility with viewers. Hey Dan, keep bringing it on!!!
Very good indeed and I like your tag line.
If the documents were, or are shown to be, real would you have approved CBS' actions? I doubt it.
Although she thinks the documents are forged Ms. Carr says they are substantially correct. Is she also aiding this nefarious project?
You do know there's an election on and that it is the legitimate function of the opposition to "harm" the sitting President in order to get him removed from office? That this has happened quite a few times before in American history - for example in 1968, 1944, 1864?