They had a trailer right at the fence. They told Fox that every night, THOUSANDS are coming across the border, and they are NOT all Mexicans.
They have found the books of the Karan and prayer rugs dropped in haste in their front yard on several occasions.
I know a lot of the Muslim's in the United States are decent people, but where are these illegal Muslims going? SOMEONE has to be waiting for them!
And like all big families, a Mosque might have a "black sheep member."
The Border Patrol and his wife said that they were powerless to stop them. There is just too many.
This is why housing prices are rising at ridiculous rates.
Know what would cause a freak-out?
If they set-up a video camera recording the entry from dusk until dawn. Send it to the news stations, and Americans would take notice.
Your map is mislabeled, it should read Kerry/Edwards' regional campaign offices.