6--Signature block. Typical authentic military signature block has name, then rank, then on the next line the person's position. This just has rank beneath the name.
Correct (Almost) - Official Military signature block is as follows
Killians signature block would have been
Jerry B. Killian, Lt Col, TXANG Commander
8 -- Date usually with three letters, or in form as 110471.
YEs and no. Usually would be 18 Aug 1972, but could be written 18 August 1972 -- it is Writers prerogative. However You never see 04 MAY 1972, it would be 4 MAY 1972. 04 would only be used on COMPUTERIZED forms where 2 digits are required.
19 - Box 34567 is suspicious, at best. The current use of the po box 34567 is Ashland Chemical Company, A Division of Ashland Oil, Incorporated P. O. Box 34567 Houston (this has been confirmed by the Pentagon, per James Rosen on Fox News-However, many documents on John Kerrys website show same)
PO BOX is legit (see posts above), but was for 147 FIG not 111 FIS.
21 - Bush's grade would "normally" be abbreviated "1Lt" not "1st Lt"
Exactly. KIllians would have been Lt Col not Lt. Colonel
23 - Air Force did not use street addresses for their offices, rather HQ AFLC/CC, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433.
Don't know about 1972 but today all Correspondence/letterhead MUST contain the street address of the unit. WOuld be in the format HQ AFLC/CC, 101 Something St., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 26 - Language not generally used by military
I have certainly never used language like that
28 - Not in any format that a military person would use, e.g. orders not given by Memo.
Offical orders have a set format, However a Direct order from Supervisor/commander to subordinate can be written in a MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD, with a SUBJECT line of something like "Order to report for Physical"
A Memo with a direct order would however not just be signed by the Commander/supervisor it would also have a ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECIEPT on the bottom of the page SIGNED by the person recieving the order!
36-Acronym should be ORT, not ORET
Doc refers to OETR, correct abbreviation is OER - Officer Evaluation Report. Have never heard of an OETR.
40-The forged documents had no initials from a clerk
Would only have clerk initials if they were officially filed in the persons PIF (Personal Information File). If they were personal Memo's they might not be initialed.
41-There was no CC list (needed for orders)
Correct to the best of my knowledge
42-Subject line in memos was normally CAPITALIZED in the military
Word SUBJECT would be capitalized, the actual subject of the memo would be typed in upper and lower case.
43-The forged documents used incorrect terminology ("physical examination" instead of "medical")
Correct. We get Medical Examinations not Physical Examinations. Actually today they are Periodic Health Assessments _ LOL.
44-There was no "reciept confirmation box" (required for orders)
Correct , as I stated above there would have been an acknowledgement line for Bush to sign.
47-the manual cited in the first forged document on line 2 of the first point #1 of "AFM 35-13" doesn't exist. That line of text reads: "to conduct annual physical examination (flight)IAW AFM 35-13". "IAW" means "In Accordance With" and "AFM 35-13" would mean "Air Force Manual 35-13". There is no such Air Force Manual 35-13.
There is currently no AFM 35-13. I believe there was one back then, I have seen references to it before.
You've seen "AFM 35-13" or you've seen "AFR 35-13"?
"AFR" should mean Air Force Regulation, but that's not what was at least TWICE typed in to the forgeries.
1 Full Legislative Day Left Until The AWB Expires