Hannity seemed to be very short tempered last evening. When some little weenie rat was asked a question he kept going off on his own agenda and talking points , hannity asked him about 4 different times to answer his question. The idiot kept up his rant. Hannity then interupted the guy and said something and asked the other guest a question and this weenine kept getting really loud and would'nt shut up. Hannity told him to shut up and let the other guy talk and the guy lean over at hannity still getting louder and hannity started rolling up his notes in a fashion one does before he swats a puppy or a fly and the weenie was doing the protestor thang by leaning into hannitys face and still shouting his rant.
I thought if ever there was a reason for old Sean to "defend himself" on air that would have been it......... The segment ended and I suspect Hannity made his point with the little rat off air.......
Stay safe !