Honestly, it looks like this was done with no research, in about ten minutes. The docs passed through the Kerry Kampaign and through CBS over SIX WEEKS and NONE of them noticed a thing.
I'm not sure the Left could win this election if they really tried.
Thank goodness for the stupidity and insanity of the left. With so little common sense left (if at all) these kind of fiascoes will hopefully plague them more and more. :))
I don't think it's "The Left" that we're fighting in this election.
Hear me out.
McAuliffe, Clinton, Kerry etc. have no ideology. They have seen an opportunity to grab power by being the champions of "The Left."
If they had an opportunity to seize power by championing "The Right" they would do that.
So it's not so much that the left is incompetent, it's that the non-ideological power-seekers are incompetent.
I'm from the '60s, so I've seen these PoliSci types up close. They really aren't very bright. But they are ruthless and amoral.
I agree...while I don't subscribe to the "Karl Rove did it" excuse, it does appear that the forger almost wanted to get caught in their LIE...MUD
Yes, this is the really hilarious part.
BAD BAD AWFUL forgeries. Proven bad in 50 ways in under two hours in the Blogoshpere. And NOBODY in the MSM caught it.