If it wasn't for the internet, FR and blogs, they would have gotten away with this bit of political murder. The old media is dying, we simply need to continue to keep pushing it into it's self-dug grave.
I want to know who was behind this blatant plan to smear the record & reputation of GWB.......the BIG STORY is WHO made these documents and WHO gave them to CBS!
If it was the KERRY people......America needs to know how they operate.....lies, deceptions, forgeries, character assasination......no ethics.
If these are forgeries & they sure look like that....it was clearly done to try to make GWB's NG service the big story of this week....not the thousands of Vietnam Vets for Truth in DC on Sunday telling America about the real John Kerry....a Judas who betrayed and falsely smeared all the 2.5 million who served honorably.