Posted on 09/09/2004 10:49:41 AM PDT by Jack_1
I opened Microsoft Word, set the font to Microsofts Times New Roman, tabbed over to the default tab stop to enter the date 18 August 1973, then typed the rest of the document purportedly from the personal records of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian.
And my Microsoft Word version, typed in 2004, is an exact match for the documents trumpeted by CBS News as authentic.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
?????????????? What am I missing here.
This must be exposed. Of course the Left-Stream-Media will gloss over this.
Check your eyes and cross your tees.
I smell ozone!
If littlegreenfootballs has this then Drudge, Fox and the talk radio won't be far behind.
The large majority of people aren't going to realize the significance of this. I'll play devil's advocate and say there's bound to be some excuse, as in they were printed from electronic copies or scanned into text reading software, etc.
On the other hand... nicely done.
This needs to be investigated, I thought it was just too convenient???
Well in truth CBS said the "believed" them to be authentic. They have given themselves a legal out. They didn't or can't "CERTIFY" them as authentic.
It means the docs on CBS that "prove" Bush's illegit NG service are actually forged documents.
FYI..must see..
Wouldn't it be odd for the document to have "Bush" in it without rank being before his name?
If those documnents are proved to be forgeries it will be almost as big as the swiftvets. That's major egg-on-the-face of CBS, and despite the fact that they are "Rather biased", they still have bills to pay and they still need jobs. already mentioned this today, and linked to a FReeper thread on the subject.
A couple of the give-aways are the supersript "th" and the presence of curly apostrophes, and a proportioned font, none of which apparently were on typewriter keyboards of the era.
I learned typing about this time, and have a fairly strong recollection of the IBM Selectrics, Olympia and Smith-Corona machines that were then in use, and cannot recall ever seeing a superscript "th", not sure about the curly apostrophe. The latter may have been available on specially purchased balls for the Selectric.
The more I look at it, the more convinced I am that it's a forgery.
As stated on another posting:
The memos are done in a proportional font (i.e., times roman).
A memo, done in the late 60's or early 70's, would be either a) hand written or b) in a monospaced TYPEWRITER font.
What the poster is referring to is this:
Open up Word, or whatever word processor you may own. Type in the copy from the 'killian memos'.
Use the font 'Times'
Copy the text, and, in the copied text, change the font to something monospaced (courier, for example).
Compare the two, and you'll see what he means.
The point of the whole exercise is this: pre-computer, you used typewriters. Typewriters are monospaced. The font on a typewriter was NOT Times, that was for professional printing.
The Killian memo is, apparently, done in times.
I'm withholding judgement pending my actual viewing of these documents. If this is true, it's exceedingly stupid on CBS' part. Anybody whose done any work in the printing/ad/publishing business SHOULD be able to catch this.
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