The question is what type did KILLIAN use. Not you.
No, the question is - Is it possible that Killian used a typewritter with proportional spacing? And the answer is yes, no matter how you try to justify your head buried in the sand with respect to this issue.
Good point. The issue is KILLIAN here. - The statement last night that the whole segment was based upon the iffy assertion of their "expert" (who himself wouldn't commit for fear of being sued for his britches later) and the testimony of a big Democrat Kerry donor makes it ABSOLUTE POPPYCOCK! I hope they paid the "expert" analyst really well; he may need it if his loose assertion is proven false and slanderous later on. Someone should remind him.
Absolutely! And anyone who says the military had plenty of them was in a different military that the one I was in at that time. IBM Proportional Executives were NOT routine machines -- and I doubt many clerks in the Texas Air National Guard were trained in "proportional typing" back in those days.
CBS is showing its extremely desperate side.