Posted on 09/08/2004 8:11:06 AM PDT by Sactivist
Parra cries foul over Web attack
By CHRISTINE BEDELL, Californian staff writer e-mail: Posted: Tuesday September 7th, 2004, 11:35 PM Last Updated: Tuesday September 7th, 2004, 11:39 PM
Go to and you'll get an eyeful -- but not from Nicole Parra.
It's a Web site registered to a longtime Parra critic and contains vicious personal and political attacks against the 30th District assemblywoman.
Parra is called "Sacramento's fraud queen," a "Parrasite" and "princess."
"This Web site is dedicated to one of the most slippery, slimy, worthless (yet ruthless) slimeballs in California politics ... Her Royal Highness, Nicole Parra," the site reads.
It's not just mean-spirited and untrue but also illegal, according to the Parra camp, which says it will sue if accusations of voter fraud aren't retracted from the site.
Campaign attorneys on Tuesday planned to mail a "cease-and-desist" letter to the site's registered owner, Saundra Duffy-Hawkins of Fresno, and said they will file a lawsuit if the warning is not heeded.
They cited California law prohibiting the use of a domain name identical to a candidate's name with "the intent to mislead, deceive or defraud the voters."
The attorneys said it's also illegal to use such a domain name when it denies a candidate the chance to use the name.
"I think it is truly unfortunate that (Parra opponent) Dean Gardner and his supporters have stooped to such a horrible level of campaigning so early in the season," said campaign spokeswoman Gale Kaufman.
Duffy-Hawkins, who has protested at Parra political and community events, including her swearing-in, lambasted Parra and her campaign for, in her words, trying to quash her freedom of speech.
"They believe free speech is good only if they like what's being spoken," she said.
Duffy-Hawkins said she'll only take down her allegations if it looks like legal action could hurt her family financially. She said she takes home $1,600 a month and her husband, who used to work for an assemblyman, is unemployed.
"This doesn't surprise me a little bit. It's typical of her and typical of her campaign," Duffy-Hawkins said of the lawsuit threat. "They can dish it out but they can't take it."
Gardner, a Republican businessman from Bakersfield, said he's heard about the site but had not seen it, and so can't condone or reject it. He said it's "dirty politics," but Duffy-Hawkins is entitled to free speech.
"I have nothing to do with it. I'm not party to it," Gardner said. "I'm trying to run a clean campaign and not attack my opponent."
Gardner accused Parra of mudslinging, saying her campaign helped with a lawsuit that barred him from listing his occupation as "educator" on the Nov. 2 ballot.
The Web site says it's time to do some "house cleaning in Sacramento and toss Princess PARRASITE out on Her Royal Hiney!"
It claims she's done "NOTHING" in Sacramento and lists more than 100 of her campaign contributors.
"Princess Parra's list of supporters is a Who's-Who list of every union and political action group that brought California to the verge of bankruptcy," the site reads. "They aren't donating money to Princess Parra because they like her, (nobody really does) ... They want her vote to give them State business or raise their wages!"
The site also highlights voter-fraud accusations Gardner launched after losing to Parra in 2002. The charges involved ineligible people voting, people voting twice and registration irregularities.
The Web site alleges the Kern County District Attorney's office "sat on its thumbs and made only one or two token prosecutions" because Parra's father, Supervisor Pete Parra, helps determine the D.A.'s budget.
Deputy District Attorney Mike Yraceburn, who helped investigate 1,400 fraud allegations by Gardner and others, said there were no prosecutions because none were warranted.
The D.A.'s office determined that of 125 people whose citizenship was in question, most turned out to be natural-born citizens and the few remaining had been naturalized.
"It has been our office's policy, and (District Attorney) Ed (Jagels) has stated on numerous occasions, that he is a separately elected official and we will conduct our investigations in an objective and professional manner and let the chips fall as they may," Yraceburn said.
Free speech bump.
Thanks for posting this!!! You beat me to the punch. The reporter forgot to print a lot of stuff I told her. Funny how they do that, isn't it? Oh, well, lots of people will go to - a lot of people who would not have otherwise bothered. Yahoo!
I guess people really don't like her!!!! Is this one of those 527's again? This is Series! AND Hugh!!
Too funny.
The reporter forgot something (surprise). I told her that I wouldn't even have gotten the site in the first place if the Princess hadn't been incompetent and stupid; she let it lapse - either her check bounced or her staff forgot to renew or something. I told the reporter I picked up the site for $12.98. Ha!!!!!!
Major B.S. alert:
"It has been our office's policy, and (District Attorney) Ed (Jagels) has stated on numerous occasions, that he is a separately elected official and we will conduct our investigations in an objective and professional manner and let the chips fall as they may," Yraceburn said.
Offer to sell it back to her for, say, a few more zeros added to the figure...and move the decimal point over to the right... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Nice Website!
"They aren't donating money to Princess Parra because they like her, (nobody really does) ..."
Still ROFL!
"Our veterans deserve more than an inexperienced political hack who's idea
of combat is breaking a finger nail before her next salon appointment. "
Thank you very much. I'm feeling a little better about this today. I'll admit I was a little disturbed last night but now I see that lots of people are reading the site and probably getting a kick out of it and she (Parrasite) doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Win win.
Nicole and Pete Parra (Pete is her daddy) have been feeding at the public trough for years. It's time they had to get a real job like the rest of us. I believe Pete Parra has been voted out of office at the end of this term and his daughter and he can go on unemployment. See how it feels.
I'm glad you are enjoying the web site. It's supposed to be kind of funny, you know. Ha!!!
Good job!
Hope there isn't too much fallout from the Dims directed at you over this!
Also, contact Rush and other shows.
You've been a bad girl...
BTW, Arnold is coming to Bakersfield tonight. Maybe he could mention the website in an act of Bi-partisanship, BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
princess? Saundra, how dare you fling such a horrible word at someone. LOL! If she were Jewish you would have been accussed of Anti-Semitism.
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