These were the rankings (the Newsweek poll was before GWB's speech):
25% Laura Bush
24% Giuliani
22% Arnold
21% Zell
20% McCain
19% Dick Cheney
I'm not sure those figures make much sense. I like Laura, but I don't see her swaying public opinion that much. I don't think McCain is that popular to move people that much.
I think Giuliani, Zell and Arnold's presentations were infectous. Democrats will watch them because of thier popularity, or in Zell's case, his connection to their party.
That's where the movement would be IMO.
Each speaker spoke to a specific audience.
Zell to everyone from Virginia to Louisiana.
Rudy to NY, NJ,CT, RI and PA. (dense populations)
Arnold to CA and the immigrant vote, such as Cubans and Hispanics.
McCain to the RINOs everywhere.
Tommy Franks to the vets and current military.
And Laura to women everywhere.
Interesting percentages! LOL
25% Laura Bush- Women voters
24% Giuliani- Americans (9-11)
22% Arnold- Immigrants, Liberals
21% Zell- conservative Democrats
20% McCain- Independents
19% Dick Cheney- Conservative base
There were other speakers that hit other voters but I think the Republicans did well with this list. These people all have different views on some conservative policies but those differences are well known. They spoke to what they were in agreement with and gave their support to the Prez. That is the best way to connect to voters that might not vote Republican because they have disagreements on certain issues. Tell them, yes, I have the same issues but these guys welcomed me! It's okay to vote Republican.
I liked them all, but probably McCain the least.