Posted on 09/01/2004 4:46:34 AM PDT by rudy45
Sorry for starting this thread so early. Is this like calling "shotgun" three days before the trip starts LOL?
I was trying to find out the time that the Senator's speech will occur. I found nothing at the Legion website (, nor at the Kerry site, nor at CSPAN. When will the speech be given?
Anyway, here is a thread for people to post their comments.
Precisely. I am voting for Bush on November 2, 2004. I want to be fair!
I actually agree with you on that but I still expect an old college try from the libs with help from the Rino for Arizona.
Arno haz aways toad jokes
I hope not, I'm overseas and it's getting a bit late for me over here.
I got dibs on 10 minutes late.
ABC's The Note is reporting that Kerry will speak at 12:40 P.M. Perhaps, ABC has built in a tardiness quotient?
Old Friend, I trust you are in my age bracket (50). I know you and many feel as I do.
I can remember the first time I became aware of the word "anti-American" It may have been in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Fast forward to 1972. How can we ever forget the horror of the Munich Olympics? I was 18. It was my firt awareness of terrorism. Arafat was considered nothing more than a murderer. The brutal murder of Leon Klinghoffer, an American Jew is another example of the horror perpetuated by those who have terrorized the world for years.
At one time our policy was "We will not negotiate with terrorists" Over the years that changed. One day, many years ago, I suddenly asked myself "Since when do we treat Arafat, a murderer, as a respected head of state?"
Negotiating with terrorists is exactly what got us to where we are today. Look what has happened in france. The cheese eating french surrender monkeys screwed the United States and their reward? Threatened beheadings over head scarfs for God's sake.
I have 3 sons. My youngest (late life surprise) is 13. He will be the one who may be called to fight in the years ahead. The thought of my "baby" [it's a Mom thing as all of you Mom's out there know] in harm's way terrifies me. I am so proud of our military. I can only imagine living with the day to day fear and worry faced by their families. God knows, I hope I can rise to the occasion if it comes to that.
If John Kerry is elected, terrorism will escalate. I believe that in my heart of hearts. If we are to fight a war, we must fight to win. Kerry had no interest in winning in Viet Nam. Winning the Viet Nam War did not lend itself to the positions he chose to further his political agenda. Instead, he sacrificed the lives and honor of those he served with by words and deeds.
General Franks said yesterday the Military values loyalty. John Kerry was not loyal either to his country or to his brothers.
Patrick Henry's speech has always been a favorite of mine.
"...I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past...."
Kerry may cry foul, but as a mother and as a citizen, I have every right to judge his past. He is not loyal. I cannot trust him to put the interests, safety and security of me, my children and this great nation above the interests of the anti-American united nations.
(whew! off my soapbox)
Well, we all know it takes Kerry 40 minutes to think...
Every veteran who stood their watches on the front lines of freedom and who value their patriotism should stand up and turn their backs to John Kerry who betrayed the very values for which we fought.. I really wish I could be there to make my voice heard...
Tom Webb
Retired USN 22 Years Patriotic service.
Middleburg Florida
"Mah fellow veterans. Let me tell you about mah famous trip into Cambodia with mah faithful flying dog, Rin Tin "VC" Tin, a box of Uncle Ben's rice and a tin of bandaids on our quest to find the Bob Hope Christmas show."
Kerry will give half an apology. Just enough to say he has done it but not enough to make it clear that he perjured himself in 1971. The man is an inveterate liar so in all likelihood, he will lie today at the Legion.
I agree with you.....The dems are famous for October surprises. Old media wants kerry so bad; anything tossed out will be not be seriously challenged.
It's sometime today .. not sure if I'll be around or not though
I'm still trying to get the kids ready for school
Thank you!
Correct--in all the functions I have attended the issue of politics is avoided. They do not wish to be seen as partisan. They are patriotic, but they also want to keep those Fed dollars flowing for Vet health care.
Maybe they should all spit on him as they walk out?
A large portion of the audience just walking out on him would be sufficient to get the point across. :=)
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