Pat Buchanan is a patriotic American, who does not tie his own love of country to a misguided defense of Israel and it's polices at any cost, including our blind and misguided defense of the thug now running Israel. One day his words will prove to have been prophetic, and knee jerk writers on the subject who can't seem to write rationally about the issue will be proved wrong. The Israelis are just as guilty of terrorist activities as the palestinians.
Pat Buchanan is an aniti-Semetic racist who gives Christians a bad name.
Pat Buchanan helped America by neutralizing Ross's party nicely. He is very wrong about Israel and so are you. The terrorist targets the helpless and wears no uniform. The IDF is nicely outfitted in uniforms. Just as guilty is a cannard of the left, like, "everybody does it" (lie about sex) so Clinton did nothing wrong. You are a lost cause.
Well, so much for THAT @sshat theory ...
Hey, fellow Virginian! That has to be the biggest pile of smoldering feces I've seen on this forum in a while. You put some trolls to shame.
I did find it somewhat amusing and very ironic that you dared to accuse others of not being able to write rationally (you bleated as you compared targeted military response to initial detonation of bombs in day care centers, buses and markets).
If Pat said that he believes that we are too closely allied with Israel and that it is not in our best interests, I could accept that. I wouldn't agree, but I could accept it nonetheless. However, he takes the next step and tries to rewrite history and lie, just like leftists, to try to support his position.
I believe that Pat is an anti-semite, but I think there is more to it than that. He's angry that he was rejected by the Republican party and this is his way of getting revenge.
Right ON! Isreal has lost her way and must find a path that will lead to peace--She can't kill every "Terrorist" (code name for all Palestinians and Arabs)in the Middle East. I fear she will slip into Tyranny and become no better than the things she fights against. Pat is not right on everything he says but, he is right on somethings that people do not want to hear. Ask yourself this question. Who murdered an Isreali PM? Was it an Arab? No, It was a radical right wing Isreali. Many of Isreal's problems are self inflicted.
Really? The Israelis blow up buses?
One day his words will prove to have been prophetic, and knee jerk writers on the subject who can't seem to write rationally about the issue will be proved wrong.
So Bucfhananism is a faith to you?
Translation: Pat Buchanan is a patriotic American because he knows that the Jews and Freemasonry are really secretly behind Communism and their ultimate goal is to rebuild that awful Jerusalem Temple, so that supporting Communist Arabs who kill Jews is perfectly consistent with opposing Communist terrorists everywhere else, even though all those "bad" Communists seem to be friends and admirers of the "good" Arab ones.
I've got an idea! Let's send all the Mexicans over to Israel (since they are an affront to all rightwing Roman Catholics) and trade them for the "palestinians!" That way, in the place of all those non-aryan wetbacks we'll get The Greatest Honorary Aryans on the planet! No need for White Womanhood to tremble with all those lovely ragheads around!
Nice. ....parroting the whackjob ultra-leftist talking points word for word. Couldn't hold it in any longer, eh? Don't worry though, there are plenty of websites that cater to just your type. You'll be among comrades.
What about the US in Afghanistan? Are they committing terrorist activities in your opinion?