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Electoral College Breakdown 2004, August 29th Update
Daly Thoughts & Dales' Electoral College Breakdown 2004 ^ | 8/29/04 | Gerry Daly

Posted on 08/29/2004 7:31:11 PM PDT by Dales

I Wouldn't Touch It With a 10 Foot Poll

The Vanishing Approval Gap

I got one right, now I have to go for the other. Back when John Kerry chose John Edwards to be his running mate, I wrote an article in which I predicted a 4-7 point bounce for Kerry. Now it is time for the Republican convention, and the national polls and the state polls are both showing a race that is too close to call at this point due to Kerry's bounce fading away.

In the past, there has been one measure which has been phenomenal at estimating part of the convention bounce for an incumbent President: the job approval rating. For every incumbent President since Eisenhower, the incumbent's support level (as measured by the Gallup poll) was at or below the incumbent's job approval rating heading in to the convention. For every one of these gentlemen, his support level leaving the convention was at, and usually above, that number.

For Richard Nixon, Gallup measured his job approval three times from late May through June. The results were 62%, 59%, and 57% approval. Gallup then did not poll job approval until after the election; by then it had risen back to 62%. Going into the Republican convention in late August, Nixon's support level was at 57%; the convention raised it up to 64%. Nixon won re-election with 62% of the vote.

The next incumbent to run was Gerald Ford. In 1976, President Ford was in dire straits. After the July Democratic convention, he trailed Jimmy Carter by the overwhelming amount of 62%-29%. One can only imagine how ugly the electoral map must have looked to campaign operatives for Mr. Ford back then. Still, his approval rating, while mediocre, was not nearly that bad. In April, May and June it was measured once each, resulting in values of 48%, 47% and 45%. Again there were no further surveys on that measure until after the election. His approval rating acted like a magnet, however. From the time the Democratic convention ended, until the Republican convention did the same, Mr. Ford continually climbed until immediately after his convention he had raised his suppot level to 45%. He would, in the end, lose a tight race, garnering 44% of the vote.

President Carter made it two incumbents in a row who were in trouble. In 1980, Mr. Carter actually was leading in the horserace matchups until some time in June, when Reagan passed him. It was likely inevitable that he would fall behind, as from mid-March through the election his approval rating would break 40 only once. After the Republican convention, Mr. Reagan lead 45%-29%. Again though, the approval rating was higher and when the Democratic convention had finished, Mr. Carter's support level had risen to 38%, which was quite similar to the approval rating measured shortly after the convention (37%). Mr. Carter did add a few more points on top of that, and took home 41% of the vote on election day.

President Reagan did not have it quite so hard. Most of 1984 found his approval rating in the mid-to-lower 50s, and his challenger, Walter Mondale, never really showed much sign of life in the polls. Still, heading in to his convention, Mr. Reagan was ever-so-slightly behind his approval rating, scoring a support level of 52% compared to the 54% approval rating (they were polling the latter much more frequently by this year). Mr. Reagan's convention scored on two levels; he raised his approval rating up to 57%, and he raised his support level to just a notch higher, 58%. Both numbers were similar to the 59% he scored on election day.

Next on our tour of the incumbent candidates is the current President's father, George H. W. Bush. His approval rating stunk. For most of the spring it had been in the low 40s, and then in the early part of the summer it was in the high 30s. The Democratic convention temporarily pushed it as low as 29%, although it would return to the pre-established level a few weeks later, hovering around (but just below) the 40% mark. Mr. Bush had trailed his challenger, Bill Clinton, since the Democratic convention, gaining 34%, 36%, and 32% in consecutive polls. His convention, however, resulted in his horserace support climbing to 42%.

In 1996, heading in to the Democratic convention, President Clinton had the support of about half of the American voters, and an approval rating slightly higher at 53%. After his convention, his support level exceeded his approval rating by 2 points-- 55%.

From these examples, some generalities can be reached. In general, it is nothing new for a President's support level to be trailing his approval rating. However, by the end of the convention, the incumbent has been able to, in the past, convince those who approve of his job performance to back him. Not only that, but usually the President is able to scrape a point or two more on top of his approval rating. This may be because of the approval rating going up as a result of the convention; the reason does not have to be clear for the result to be demonstrated.

So what will Bush's bounce be in 2004? That depends on the poll in question. For the Gallup poll, where his approval rating is right near where his support level, there will likely be a point or two increase in the President's support level. The Time poll that was released just today showing a 46-all deadlock was accompanied by a result showing a 51% job approval rating; I would expect normally a similar survey by them to show Bush gaining at least 5 points. In the Fox Opinion Dynamics poll, the approval gap was 8 points; the bounce will show larger with them than with Gallup. Rasmussen has consistently shown a 4-5 point approval gap. I expect it to evaporate.

That only tells half of the story, since a convention bounce usually involves not only adding support but eroding some of the opponent's support. Normally, this has been somewhere between as must as the incumbent's gain and half thereof. Given that there will be less of the convention televised than in the past, and given that the campaigns seem to want to keep the 'red meat' attacks to a minimum, I am anticipating the decrease in Kerry's support to be on the lower side of that spectrum. If Bush gains five points, I expect Kerry to lose 2-3 points. If Bush gains 2 points, I expect Kerry to lose 1. Given that most polls show the approval gap to be around 5 points, that will make my prediction for Bush's bounce be from 5-8 points-- similar to what I predicted for Kerry.

The bad news for the Democrats is that three of the last six incumbents actually took home more support on election day than their post-bounce support level, and one other took home just 1 point less. If Bush is like them, and comes out of his convention with 1-2 points more support than his approval rating and can then impove on it, he will be elected. The good news for the Democrats is that the last two incumbents lost ground, giving up 5-6 points from the post-convention result. If Bush is like them, then on election day he'll be back around 45% and will be defeated. The Democrats have to hope that in this way, Bush is another Clinton.

This Week's Polling Updates Overview

Polls are coming fast now. The President has made up ground, part of which may be masked by the recent Rasmussen releases, which include data from as early as the first week in August.

The scoreboard:

Result With Tossups
ECB Kerry 211, Bush 191 Kerry 259, Bush 250
ECB Classic Kerry 237, Bush 202 Kerry 270, Bush 239
ECB Classic Sans Zogby Interactive Kerry 237, Bush 191 Kerry 259, Bush 250
Calculated National Result Kerry 46.6%, Bush 46.5%

For the trends, the changes in each are as follows:

ECB Kerry -44, Bush +13 Kerry -57, Bush +44
ECB Classic Kerry +76, Bush +45 Kerry -21, Bush +7
ECB Classic Sans Zogby Interactive Kerry +21, Bush +34 Kerry -37, Bush +23
Calculated National Result Bush +0.2%,Kerry +0.5%

Electoral Votes: 21
2000 Result
Gore 55%
Bush 42%

Background: Before Clinton broke through, Republicans had won six straight Presidential contests in Illinois. But Clinton's win against Bush was not because of Perot; he would have carried it without him in the race. And Gore flat out spanked Bush here.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
6/9/03 Chicago Tribune NA RV 3.8% Bush 38% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +2
10/20/03 Chicago Tribune NA 700 RV 3.8% Bush 38% Unnamed Democrat 49% Dem +11
1/9/04 Chicago Tribune Link RV 3.8% Bush 40% Unnamed Democrat 48% Dem +8
3/3/04 Research 2000 Link 500 LV 5% Bush 36% Kerry 54% Kerry +18
3/3/04 Rasmussen Link 1500 LV 3% Bush 39% Kerry 52% Kerry +15
3/13/04 Copley News Service/Mason-Dixon Link 625 LV 4% Bush 39% Kerry 47% Kerry +8
5/12/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
5/24/04 Market Shares Corp. Link 600 LV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 54% Kerry +16
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 54% Kerry +16
6/9/04 SurveyUSA Link 742 LV 4% Bush 39% Kerry 52% Kerry +13
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 37% Kerry 53% Kerry +16
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 39% Kerry 54% Kerry +15
8/16/04 Market Shares Link 700 RV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 52% Kerry +14

Punditry: Illinois continues to be very different than the rest of the midwest, thanks to the overwhelming popularity of the Democrats in Chicago. According to this poll, self-identification as a Democrat in Illinois is at a 15 year high. Strong Advantage for Kerry.

Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Bush 51%
Gore 45%

Background: Since Harry Truman, only Bill Clinton (during his re-elect) has carried the Grand Canyon State for the Democrats. Clinton also made it close with the help of Perot in 1992. Other than that, things have been surprisingly one-sided. Arizona has 6 of 8 of its Representatives and both of its Senators from the GOP. The GOP also controls both chambers of the state legislature. The top of the executive branch is run by Democrats, with Janet Napolitano being a first term Governor and Terry Goddard being the Attorney General. Most other top executive offices are held by Republicans. Republicans have a 41% to 35% lead in voter registration.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
7/18/03 Behavior Research Center Link 701 Adults 4.3% Bush 55% Unnamed Opponent 41% Bush +14
1/11/04 Behavior Research Center Link 641 Adults 3.9% Bush 50% Highest Ranking Democrat (Dean) 38% Bush +12
2/19/04 SurveyUSA Link RV 4.3% Bush 52% Kerry 44% Bush +8
2/22/04 Arizona State University Link 430 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Dem +2
3/18/04 Survey USA Link 634 LV 4.0% Bush 51% Kerry 42% Bush +9
4/26/04 Arizona State University Link 410 RV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 38% Bush +3
5/4/04 Behavior Research Center Link 555 RV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
555 RV, Nader an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 37% Bush +8
5/23/04 Arizona State University Link 377 RV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 38% Bush +5
6/13/04 Market Solutions Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 41% Bush +3
6/27/04 Arizona State University Link 400 RV 5% Bush 47% Kerry 35% Bush +12
7/7/04 Behavior Research Center Link RV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 36% Bush +12
7/14/04 Survey USA Link 767 LV 4% Bush 53% Kerry 41% Bush +12
7/18/04 Arizona State University Link 400 RV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 42% Kerry +1
8/1/04 Market Solutions Link 601 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 45% Bush +3
8/22/04 Arizona State University Link 400 RV 5% Bush 47% Kerry 39% Bush +8

Punditry: The ASU poll has been very volitile. In June it showed Bush up 12, and in July it showed Kerry up 1. In this poll, the margin drops to three points among likely voters, but the sample size for that is unacceptably small. Arizona remains Leaning Towards Bush.

Electoral Votes: 27
2000 Result
Bush 48.85%
Gore 48.84%

Background: Despite the best efforts of the results-oriented Florida Supreme Court, Bush held on to win the state in 2000, just as nearly every recount conducted afterwards validated. Did you know that since 1948, though, that only three times has Florida gone for the Democrat candidate? Johnson got 51%, Carter got 52%, and Clinton (2nd term) got 48% (with Perot taking 9%). More times than not, the Republican has come closer to 60%. Why Bush underperformed here to such a degree is something his campaign must rectify.

In the first ECB of 2000, Florida was listed as a battleground with a slight advantage to Gore. This time around, it is starting with a slight advantage for Bush. Florida has 6 Democrat Representatives and 18 Republicans. Both chambers of the state legislature are controlled by the Republicans. Republicans control most of the executive branch. However, both Senate seats are held by Democrats. As of Dec. 1, 2003, the state registration was 41.9% Democrat and 38.6% Republican.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
4/29/03 Mason-Dixon Link RV 5% Bush 53% Unnamed Democrat 38% Bush +15
12/3/03 Schroth & Associates Link 800 RV 3.5% Bush 43% Unnamed Democrat 37% Bush +6
1/15/04 Rasmussen Reports Link LV 5% Bush 47% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +2
2/27/04 Research 2000 Link 500 LV 4% Bush 47% Kerry 42% Bush +5
3/4/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
3/4/04 Schroth & Associates Link 800 RV 3.5% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
3/14/04 Rasmussen Link 400 LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
4/1/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 RV 4% Bush 51% Kerry 43% Bush +8
4/13/04 Rasmussen Reports Link 500 LV 5% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
4/21/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 45% Bush +1
5/9/04 Hamilton, Beattie and Staff (D) Link 1000 LV 3% Bush 47% Kerry 50% Kerry +3
5/19/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 47% Kerry 46% Bush +1
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push
6/14/04 SurveyUSA Link 723 LV 4% Bush 50% Kerry 43% Bush +7
6/23/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 38% Bush +10
6/27/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,209 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
1,209 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 43% Push
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
7/12/04 SurveyUSA Link LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
7/15/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
7/15/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link LV 3% Bush 48% Kerry 46% Bush +2
7/20/04 Insider Advantage Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push
7/19/04 Research2000 Link 600 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5
600 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
7/21/04 LA Times Link 729 RV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 44% Bush +1
7/21/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 46% Bush +2
7/22/04 Gallup Link 699 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 50% Kerry 47% Bush +3
699 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 50% Kerry 46% Bush +4
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
8/4/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 48% Kerry 48% Push
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 48% Kerry 47% Bush +1
8/5/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 50% Kerry +7
8/10/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,094 RV, Nader Not An Option 3% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
1,094 RV, Nader An Option 3% Bush 41% Kerry 47% Kerry +6
8/18/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader Not An Option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
801 LV, Nader An Option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
8/22/04 Gallup Link 671 LV, Nader An Option 4% Bush 48% Kerry 46% Bush +2
8/24/04 Rasmussen (L) Link 500 LV, Four man race 4% Bush 49% Kerry 47% Bush +2

Punditry: Another in the series of polls being conducted for Libertarian candidate Badnarik. This one cannot be what he wanted to see, as he comes in below Nader and tied with Green party candidate Cobb (hmm, maybe I should have said "five man race"). Bush's job approval in Florida is slightly higher than it is nationwide. Given this and the Gallup poll, and the earlier Rasmussen mid-month update, there are three polls that show that the lead Kerry had opened up in Florida has gone away. With the last two public polls showing Bush slightly ahead, so will I. Slight Advantage for Bush.

Electoral Votes: 11
2000 Result
Bush 57%
Gore 41%

Background: This is a Republican state. While LBJ did beat Goldwater, you have to go back to Franklin Roosevelt's second election to find another instance of the Democrats carrying the state. With significant help from Perot, Clinton twice got within 6-7%, but beyond that the closest it has been is when Carter was within 8% of Ford.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
2/15/04 SurveyUSA Link 525 RV 4.2% Bush 51% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +6
3/24/04 Bellwether Poll Link 600 LV 4.0% Bush 52% Kerry 37% Bush +15
5/19/04 Selzer & Co. Link 540 LV 4% Bush 54% Kerry 33% Bush +21
6/21/04 Bellwether Poll Link 600 LV 4% Bush 52% Kerry 36% Bush +16
7/12/04 Market Research Informatics Link 852 RV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 27% Bush +19
8/18/04 Bellwether Poll Link 601 LV 4% Bush 52% Kerry 40% Bush +12

Punditry: A four point improvement for Kerry since June, but it still is not much of a race. While it is a lot closer than I normally like states in the Safe for Bush (or Kerry) designation to be, until it goes into the single digits it is staying where it is. In the same poll, Republican Mitch Daniels leads incumbent Joe Kernan in the race for Governor.

Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Gore 48%
Bush 46%

Background: Nixon (against McGovern) is the only Republican winner since Ike. Reagan (against Carter) and Bush (against Gore) made it close, and it is possible that Dole could have beaten Clinton sans Perot. The Reagan race that was close was notable because it was against the homestate Mondale.

The slight advantage for the Democrats is a step up from the leaning Gore position at the start of ECB 2000. Minnesota's legislative seats are split right down the middle. Half of the Representatives, half of the Senate seats, and one of the state legislative chambers are held by each party. Most of the important executive branch offices are held by Republicans with the exception of Attorney General.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
1/26/04 Mason-Dixon NA LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 43% Kerry +2
3/25/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
4/2/04 Star-Tribune Minnesota Poll Link 562 LV 4.1% Bush 38% Kerry 50% Kerry +12
5/26/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 44% Kerry +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
6/14/04 Public Opinion Strategies (R) NA LV 3.5% Bush 42.2% Kerry 46.5% Kerry +4.3
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 50% Kerry +9
7/12/04 Center for Survey Research and Analysis Link 589 RV, two man race 4% Bush 45.8% Kerry 49.0% Kerry +3.2
589 RV, four man race 4% Bush 44.2% Kerry 46.5% Kerry +2.3
7/16/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
7/24/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 47% Kerry 48% Kerry +1
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 47% Kerry 47% Push
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
8/3/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 49% Kerry +4
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
8/18/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4

Punditry: Still holding steady for Kerry, although a bit less of a margin from a month ago. With this poll the ECB Classic (both with and without Zogby) designation will match the one I have had in the ECB for the recent past: Slight Advantage for Kerry. The approval gap for Bush stands at 5 points.

Electoral Votes: 55
2000 Result
Gore 53%
Bush 42%

Background: On a three election streak for the Democrats, California has a reputation as a liberal bastion. While Gore did handle Bush easily in 2000, the fact is that the reputation may not fit the data on the Presidential level. Only three candidates have broken 53% in California since the 1964 landslide. Al Gore last time, homestate icon Ronald Reagan in his re-election campaign but not his first election, and Richard Nixon in his re-election campaign but not his first successful Presidential campaign.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
8/16/03 Field NA RV 4% Bush 42% Unnamed Democrat 47% Dem +5
8/16/03 Public Policy Institute NA LV 3% Bush 40% Unnamed Democrat 45% Dem +5
1/3/04 Public Policy Institute Link LV 3% Bush 45% Unnamed Democrat 45% Tied
1/13/04 Field NA RV 3.4% Bush 46% Unnamed Democrat 47% Dem +1
1/18/04 Rasmussen NA LV 4% Bush 41% Unnamed Democrat 46% Dem +5
2/13/04 Knowledge Networks Link RV 4.1% Bush 38% Kerry 42% Dem +4
2/16/04 Public Policy Institute Link 1,103 LV 3% Bush 37% Kerry 54% Dem +17
2/22/04 LA Times Link 1,521 RV 3% Bush 40% Kerry 53% Dem +13
2/27/04 Knowledge Networks Link 505 RV 3.8% Bush 38% Kerry 43% Kerry +5
3/11/04 Rasmussen Link 455 LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 53% Kerry +9
4/17/04 Rasmussen Link 502 LV 5% Bush 40% Kerry 51% Kerry +11
4/21/04 L.A. Times Link 1,265 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 39% Kerry 49% Kerry +10
4/21/04 L.A. Times Link 1,265 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 41% Kerry 53% Kerry +12
5/6/04 SurveyUSA Link 635 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 46% Kerry +1
5/24/04 Field Link 647 RV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 40% Kerry 55% Kerry +15
5/24/04 Field Link 647 RV, Nader an option 4% Bush 39% Kerry 51% Kerry +12
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 41% Kerry 49% Kerry +8
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 38% Kerry 52% Kerry +14
7/12/04 Public Policy Institute of California Link 1,378 LV 3% Bush 38% Kerry 49% Kerry +11
7/22/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 52% Kerry +11
7/25/04 SurveyUSA Link LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 53% Kerry +12
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 37% Kerry 55% Kerry +18
8/4/04 Field Link 633 LV 3.4% Bush 41% Kerry 53% Kerry +12
8/11/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 41% Kerry 53% Kerry +12
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 40% Kerry 50% Kerry +10
8/11/04 Public Policy Institute Link LV 3% Bush 38% Kerry 54% Kerry +16
8/18/04 SurveyUSA Link 589 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 49% Kerry +3
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link 654 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 51% Kerry +9

Punditry: I said last time, after the SurveyUSA poll showed it a three point race, that I would be very surprised if more polls validated that result. As suspected, the next poll released did not; it shows Kerry ahead comfortably. Still, this is quite a bit of a better result for the President in California as compared to other California polls, and such movement in this large state would explain a good amount of the movement which has been seen in the national polls. Strong Advantage for Kerry, with a distinct possibility of being redesignated as leaning if another poll shows single digits.

Electoral Votes: 11
2000 Result
Bush 50%
Gore 47%

Background: Considered by many to be a bellwether state, Missouri has gone Republican in every election after 1964 except for three. Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford by a small, four point margin. Bill Clinton won the state twice, but both times relied on Perot taking double digits (over 20% in the first). From 1968 on, the only Democrat to break 50% in Missouri was Carter, and the only Republican to fail to get 50% absent a truly strong third party candidate was Ford.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
9/9/03 Research 2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 49% Dick Gephardt 39% Bush +10
1/29/04 Research 2000 Link 804 LV 4% Bush 45% Unnamed Democrat 40% Bush +5
2/14/04 Decision Research (D) NA LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 49% Kerry +3
3/2/04 Suffolk University Link LV 4% Bush 50% Kerry 39% Bush +11
3/19/04 Decision Research (D) NA LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 49% Kerry +3
3/23/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 49% Kerry 42% Bush +7
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 43% Bush +1
6/8/04 LA Times Link 566 RV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 37% Bush +11
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
7/8/04 SurveyUSA Link 755 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 46% Bush +2
7/20/04 Market Research Institute Link 600 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
7/22/04 Research2000 Link 802 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
802 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
7/22/04 Gallup Link 636 LV, Nader not an option 5% Bush 48% Kerry 48% Push
636 LV, Nader an option 5% Bush 47% Kerry 47% Push
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 50% Kerry 46% Bush +4
8/18/04 SurveyUSA Link 643 LV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 47% Bush +1
8/24/04 LA Times Link 580 RV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 44% Bush +2
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 49% Kerry 44% Bush +5

Punditry: Rasmussen says Missouri is leaning towards Bush, but I am not going to be that aggressive with the move. Yes, the last several polls have shown the President ahead, but the margin has generally been within one span of the MoE, and this one is right at that threshold. I am going to keep Missouri as having a Slight Advantage For Bush, recognizing however that the trend is in his direction.

Electoral Votes: 4
2000 Result
Gore 49%
Bush 44%

Background: Despite having only a single more electoral vote than tiny North Dakota, Maine gets a bit more attention due to its proximity to the media hotbeds in New England. However, it is rarely listed as a swing state for the coming election, which is a mistake. Bush lost to Gore by only 5 points last time, and over the past 10 elections it has split evenly between the parties. The best way to describe Maine is streaky, as those elections have been Democrats for two straight, Republicans for five straight, and now Democrats for the last three. Perhaps it is because Nader picked up 5% that people assume that Maine will be less competitive this time.

Maine is currently a slight advantage for Democrats, which is a change from ECB 2000 where it started as a slight Bush advantage. While the Republicans hold both Senate seats, everything else is in the hands of the Democrats, who enjoy a 31%-29% registration lead.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/03 Critical Insights Link 600 RV 4.0 Bush 47% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +11
9/12-26/03 Critical Insights Link 600 RV 4.0 Bush 36% Unnamed Democrat 45% Dem +9
3/3/04 Omnibus Poll/Strategic Marketing Services Link 400 RV 5.0% Bush 38% Kerry 51% Kerry +13
5/20/04 Critical Insights Link 552 RV 4% Bush 39% Kerry 49% Kerry +10
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 35% Kerry 54% Kerry +19
6/12/04 Strategic Marketing Services Link 400 RV 5% Bush 41.0% Kerry 43.5% Kerry +2.5
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 46% Kerry +1
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4
8/24/04 SurveyUSA Link 632 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5

Punditry: Rasmussen's latest mimics SurveyUSA's latest, and confirms my designation of Maine as Leaning Towards Kerry, albeit barely. Maine is one of the states which I am most interested on seeing poll results after the Republican convention. If Bush is going to get a decent bounce, it is states like Maine which will have their race's complexion changed.

Electoral Votes: 7
2000 Result
Gore 48%
Bush 46%

Background: Iowa is a state of streaks, going 1-5-4 over the last 10. Clinton would likely have lost his first campaign against Bush had Perot not been a factor. The state is generally close, with the only surprisingly large margin coming when Dukakis beat Bush by 10 points.

Iowa rated a slight advantage to Bush in the first ECB of 2000. This time, it rates a slight advantage to the Democrats. Other positions in Iowa are mixed. The Republicans hold 4 of the 5 House seats, and the Senate seats are split. The Republicans control both chambers of the state legislature, but the Democrats hold all major executive offices except for Auditor. Republicans hold a 32% to 29% advantage in registration.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
9/12/03 Des Moines Register Link 803 Adults 3.5% Bush 41% Unnamed Democrat 41% Even
10/30/03 Research 2000 Link LV 4% Bush 46% Unnamed Democrat 47% Dem +1
1/5/04 Research 2000 Link LV 4% Bush 50% Unnamed Democrat 42% Bush +8
2/11/04 Selzer & Co. NA RV 3.4% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
3/23/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
4/21/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
5/25/04 Research 2000 Link 604 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
604 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 42% Kerry 46% Kerry +4
5/27/04 SurveyUSA Link 794 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 49% Kerry +8
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4
7/12/04 Center for Survey Research and Analysis Link 614 RV, two man race 4% Bush 45.7% Kerry 50.4% Kerry +4.7
614 RV, four man race 4% Bush 44.4% Kerry 47.7% Kerry +3.3
7/21/04 Selzer & Co. Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 45% Bush +1
7/23/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 641 LV 3% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
7/28/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
8/3/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 49% Kerry +3
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
8/18/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 47% Kerry 49% Kerry +2
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 47% Kerry 48% Kerry +1
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2

Punditry: A one point improvement for the President compared to the last Rasmussen Iowa survey, but the state remains a Slight Advantage for Kerry. Bush did win a straw poll at the Iowa State Fair, however.

Electoral Votes: 15
2000 Result
Bush 55%
Gore 43%

Background: Wallace and Goldwater won here. The only times the Democrats have carried this state since 1960 have been when native son Jimmy Carter was topping the ticket (twice) and when fellow southerner Bill Clinton beat that Yankee George H.W. Bush by a point, while Texan H. Ross Perot siphoned off 13% of the vote. This is not a friendly state for Democrats in Presidential elections, as even Bob Dole won here over Clinton despite Perot taking 7%.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
10/15/03 Zogby Link 400 LV 4.5% Bush 52% Unnamed Democrat 39% Bush +13
10/23/03 Shapiro Research Group Link RV 4.5% Bush 49% Unnamed Democrat 41% Bush +8
2/4/04 Shapiro Research Group NA RV 4.5% Bush 47% Unnamed Democrat 44% Bush +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 51% Kerry 39% Bush +12
6/2/04 Insider Advantage Link RV 5% Bush 49% Kerry 32% Bush +17
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 52% Kerry 41% Bush +11
7/11/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 RV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 51% Kerry 40% Bush +11
801 RV, Nader an option 4% Bush 51% Kerry 38% Bush +13
8/2/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 52% Kerry 43% Bush +9
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 52% Kerry 41% Bush +11
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 53% Kerry 42% Bush +11
8/17/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 54% Kerry 40% Bush +14
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 54% Kerry 38% Bush +16
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 53% Kerry 42% Bush +11

Punditry: Georgia holds steady, right near where it was in 2000. Kerry has about the same percentage of support from liberals in Georgia that Bush has from conservatives, and he leads by 16 among self-described moderates, but is losing the state by double-digits. That is how conservative Georgia is.

Electoral Votes: 6
2000 Result
Bush 51%
Gore 46%

Background: Arkansas votes Republican, although if there is a southerner running against a northerner it will go Democrat. Carter beat Ford, and Clinton won twice. Republicans won all the rest since LBJ. Humphrey came in third here, behind Wallace.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
4/8/04 Arkansas State University Link Adults 5% Bush 51% Kerry 43% Bush +8
4/14/04 SurveyUSA Link 565 RV 4.2% Bush 47% Kerry 45% Bush +2
5/2/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 45% Kerry 45% Push
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 43% Bush +5
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 45% Kerry 46% Kerry +1
7/12/04 SurveyUSA Link 546 LV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 47% Bush +2
7/12/04 SurveyUSA Link 546 LV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 47% Bush +2
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Push
8/22/04 SurveyUSA Link 567 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 47% Bush +1
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 49% Kerry 43% Bush +6

Punditry: Bush grabs a lead in Arkansas according to Rasmussen, and this does jibe with some of the buzz I have been hearing from those I know in Arkansas. However, before I redesignate the state, I would like another confirming poll. Arkansas stays, for the moment, at Slight Advantage for Bush.

Where Maine is a state that could possibly look quite different after the Republican convention, I do not anticipate Arkansas looking much different than it looks in this poll.

Electoral Votes: 9
2000 Result
Bush 56%
Gore 42%

Background: Alabama has been a reliable GOP state, only straying twice since 1960; both times it went for a southerner. Jimmy Carter carried the state, as did George Wallace.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
4/27/03 USA Polling Group Link RV 5% Bush 60% Unnamed Democrat 30 Bush +30
3/18/04 USA Polling Group Link 405 adults 5% Bush 59% Kerry 27% Bush +32
5/3/04 SurveyUSA Link 743 LV 3.7% Bush 55% Kerry 36% Bush +19
5/13/04 USA Polling Group Link 400 Adults 5% Bush 55% Kerry 33% Bush +22
5/20/04 Capital Survey Research Link 785 RV 4% Bush 56% Kerry 37% Bush +19
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 57% Kerry 36% Bush +21
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 52% Kerry 38% Bush +14
7/28/04 Capital Research Center Link 590 LV 5% Bush 56% Kerry 34% Bush +22
8/23/04 SurveyUSA Link 599 LV 4% Bush 58% Kerry 37% Bush +21
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 53% Kerry 42% Bush +11

Punditry: Rasmussen has been getting different results than other pollsters in Alabama. Either way, it is a comfortable Bush lead. If I get a confirming poll that Alabama is polling in the low teens or below, then I will reclassify it. Until then, I am leaving it at Safe for Bush. It would be nice to get a Delaware poll before the next Alabama poll, don't you think?

Electoral Votes: 20
2000 Result
Bush 50%
Gore 46%

Background: Since Truman, Ohio has gone Democrat four times. LBJ crushed Goldwater, Carter edged Ford by an extremely slim margin, and Clinton won twice, both times relying on Perot heavily.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
2/7/03 Ohio Poll Link RV 4% Bush 59% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +23
9/19/03 Ohio Poll Link RV 4% Bush 57% Kerry 38% Bush +19
3/16/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 41% Kerry 45% Kerry +4
3/24/04 Ohio Poll Link 632 RV 3.9% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
4/2/04 Columbus Dispatch Link 3,344 RV 2% Bush 46% Kerry 45% Bush +1
5/13/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
5/25/04 Mason-Dixon Link 1500 RV 3% Bush 47% Kerry 41% Bush +6
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 44% Bush +2
6/8/04 LA Times Link 722 RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 45% Kerry +3
6/23/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 41% Bush +4
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
7/19/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 43% Bush +5
7/22/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
7/22/04 Gallup Link 639 LV, Nader not an option 5% Bush 45% Kerry 51% Kerry +6
639 LV, Nader an option 5% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
7/23/04 Columbus Dispatch Link 3,047 RV 2% Bush 47% Kerry 44% Bush +3
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 46% Kerry +1
8/3/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 49% Kerry 45% Bush +4
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 49% Kerry 44% Bush +5
8/11/04 American Research Group Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
8/15/04 Gallup Link 628 LV 5% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
8/17/04 Ohio Poll Link 812 LV 5% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
8/18/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 49% Kerry 46% Bush +3
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 49% Kerry 45% Bush +4
8/24/04 LA Times Link 507 RV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 44% Bush +5
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 48% Kerry +2
8/27/04 Columbus Dispatch Link 3,176 RV 2% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push

Punditry: Looks like Tossup was the right call. Kerry leads by 12 points among independents; how this group responds to the Republican convention will define the shape of the remainder of the race. This poll represents a slight improvement for Kerry over his standing in the last iteration of the Dispatch poll (one of the most reliable). Ohio is tight.

Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Gore 57%
Bush 40%

Background: Since the 1960 election, the only Republicans to carry Maryland were Nixon for his re-elect, Reagan for his re-elect, and George H. W. Bush during his first campaign. Clinton did not need Perot to win here either time. This is a Democrat state.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
1/12/04 Potomac, Inc Link 1,200 LV 2.8% Bush 41% Unnamed Democrat 51% Dem +10
2/8/04 Gonzalez Link 818 RV 3.5% Bush 40% Kerry 51% Kerry +11
2/27/04 Mason-Dixon Link 625 LV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 47% Kerry +9
3/24/04 Gonzales Research and Marketing Link 825 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
6/9/04 Gonzales Research and Marketing Link LV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 52% Kerry +14
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 39% Kerry 53% Kerry +14
8/15/04 Gonzales Research and Marketing Link 847 LV 4% Bush 40% Kerry 53% Kerry +13
8/25/04 SurveyUSA Link 594 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 53% Kerry +11
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 54% Kerry +13

Punditry: Steady as she goes in Maryland. But along with Maine, this is one state I am most eager to see the post-convention numbers, as right now it is polling completely like a state normally does before any convention. Let me explain.

In many, if not most, states this year, the Republicans have backed Bush by approaching 90%, and Democrats backed Kerry by approaching 90%. The voters had already 'come home', for the most part, long ago-- and they usually come home during the conventions, resulting in the bounce. According to this Rasmussen survey, Bush gets just 79% of the Republicans, and Kerry gets just 76% of the Democrats. This does not look like a post-Democratic convention state. It does, however, look like the classic example of a state where Republicans have not come home, and as such could be ripe for a nice convention bounce. Why Kerry did not get one here is a good question. If Bush does get one, Kerry will have the rest of the campaign to figure out how to bring those who should be backing him home, because if those who should vote for him do he will win Maryland. Strong Advantage for Kerry.

Electoral Votes: 10
2000 Result
Gore 47.83%
Bush 47.61%

Background: I got the *BLEEP* kicked out of me in Wisconsin. Oh wait, sorry. Stripes flashback. Reagan won here twice. Nixon won here three times. LBJ and Carter (against Ford) won here, and then the Democrats have taken the last four elections here. The first of Clinton's wins would have been a loss for him without Perot.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/03 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 53% Unnamed Democrat 42% Bush +11
10/28/03 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 46% Unnamed Democrat 45% Bush +1
1/27/04 Badger Poll Link Adults 4% Bush 38% Unnamed Democrat 54% Dem +16
3/24/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Unnamed Democrat 46% Kerry +3
3/31/04 Badger Poll Link 500 Adults, Nader not an option 4% Bush 47% Kerry 41% Bush +6
500 Adults, Nader an option 4% Bush 49% Kerry 45% Bush +4
4/21/04 Wisconsin Public Radio / St. Norbert College Survey Center Link 358 RV 5% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
4/28/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV, Nader not an option 4.5% Bush 42% Kerry 50% Kerry +8
500 LV, Nader an option 4.5% Bush 41% Kerry 45% Kerry +4
4/28/04 Badger Poll Link 511 Adults 4.5% Bush 50% Kerry 38% Bush +12
5/9/04 Lake, Snell, Perry & Associates (D) Link ? ? Bush 40% Kerry 49% Kerry +9
6/8/04 LA Times Link 694 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 42% Bush +2
6/23/04 Badger Poll Link 504 Adults, Nader an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
7/12/04 Center for Survey Research and Analysis Link 575 RV, two man race 4% Bush 48.4% Kerry 45.9% Bush +2.5
575 RV, four man race 4% Bush 46.1% Kerry 44.6% Bush +1.5
7/13/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
7/15/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 48% Kerry +6
8/2/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 49% Kerry +3
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
8/17/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
801 LV, Nader an option 4% Bush 46% Kerry 46% Push
8/24/04 LA Times Link 512 RV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 45% Bush +3

Punditry: Recently, the Hotline surveyed Democrat and Republican insiders asking them to name the 2000 Bush states that are most vulnerable, and the 2000 Gore states which are. Both Republicans and Democrats selected Wisconsin as the Gore state most in danger of flipping. Compare the partisan support to that of Maryland, which I just updated. In Wisconsin, according to Rasmussen, "President Bush has attracted 95% of the vote among Republicans. Senator Kerry currently draws 85% of the Democratic vote." Those percentages are high and are indicative of what one would expect after the conventions. The fact that Bush has so many in his camp already suggests his Wisconsin bounce may be a bit muted. This is a tight call, but given the current momentum I am going with Slight Advantage for Bush at this point in time.

Electoral Votes: 11
2000 Result
Gore 50%
Bush 45%

Background: The Democrats have won the last four, and 6 of the last 10, with all four Republican wins coming consecutively (Nixon, Ford, ReaganX2). It is unclear as to if Clinton would have won the first time here sans Perot; it would likely have been extremely close. The Dukakis/Bush race was very close. The Clinton/Dole race was not.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
1/5/04 SurveyUSA NA 975 RV 3% Bush 48% Kerry 49% Kerry +1
2/4/04 SurveyUSA Link 975 RV 3% Bush 43% Kerry 55% Kerry +12
3/24/04 SurveyUSA Link 698 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 47% Kerry +4
3/25/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 50% Kerry +6
4/5/04 The Elway Poll NA LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 46% Kerry +5
4/18/04 Moore Information (R) Link 500 RV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 45% Kerry +4
6/4/04 SurveyUSA Link 654 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5
6/11/04 Moore Information (R) Link 500 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
6/11/04 Mason-Dixon** Link 625 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 46% Kerry +4
6/24/04 Moore Information (R) NA 500 RV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 43% Push
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 50% Kerry +9
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 50% Kerry +6
8/2/04 SurveyUSA Link 585 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 51% Kerry +8
8/11/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 42% Kerry 51% Kerry +9
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
8/15/04 Moore Information (R) Link 600 RV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 50% Kerry +6
8/17/04 SurveyUSA Link 602 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 51% Kerry +8
8/24/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
** Done for a 'private public policy client'.

Punditry: Rasmussen's polling in Washington shows a state that is showing no inclination towards changing from its 2000 result. For the past few months, over serveral different polls by several different companies, it has given results just like 2000, only slightly more in favor of the Democrat Kerry. The approval gap is 4 points. Leaning Towards Kerry.

Electoral Votes: 13
2000 Result
Bush 52%
Gore 44%

Background: The Democrats have won here just once since Truman- when Johnson beat Goldwater. Despite the result dominance, the margins have been fairly competitive more times than not.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
12/3/03 Mason-Dixon Link LV 4% Bush 48% Clark 33% Bush +15
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 47% Kerry 45% Bush +2
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 45% Bush +3
7/8/04 SurveyUSA Link 686 LV 4% Bush 50% Kerry 45% Bush +5
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 46% Bush +3
8/22/04 SurveyUSA Link 730 LV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 45% Bush +4
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 50% Kerry 45% Bush +5

Punditry: The approval gap in Virginia is three points. Both SurveyUSA and Rasmussen have Virginia floating on the cusp between Slight Advantage and Leaning Towards Bush. Given the state's strong tendency to go Republican at the end, and given that the Republican convention is about to start, the latter designation is the more sensible choice at this juncture.

Electoral Votes: 34
2000 Result
Bush 58%
Gore 39%

Background: Carter and Humphrey won here, but Texas has become a very foreign land for the Democrat Presidential candidates.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/6/04 Scripps Howard Texas Poll Link 1000 RV 3% Bush 54% Kerry 35% Bush +19
5/15/04 Scripps Howard Texas Poll Link 1000 RV 3% Bush 58% Kerry 29% Bush +29
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 55% Kerry 38% Bush +17
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 55% Kerry 37% Bush +18
8/22/04 SurveyUSA Link 705 LV 4% Bush 58% Kerry 37% Bush +21
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 57% Kerry 38% Bush +19

Punditry: Of course it would be 19 rather than 20-- that makes more work for me! Safe for Bush.

South Carolina
Electoral Votes: 8
2000 Result
Bush 57%
Gore 41%

Background: Jimmy Carter, from neighboring Georgia, won this state. You have to go back to JFK to find another Democrat who was able to do it. Most of the time, it was not all that close although Carter did make it close against Reagan too; the fact that a neighbor was able to twice make the state competitive (and once win it) means that the state will merit more attention should Edwards win the Democrat nomination.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
7/28/03 Hickman Research Link ? ? Bush 52% Unnamed Democrat 36% Bush +16
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 49% Kerry 39% Bush +10
6/29/04 Public Opinion Strategies (R) NA LV 4% Bush 55% Kerry 40% Bush +15
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 53% Kerry 36% Bush +17
7/12/04 SurveyUSA Link 710 LV 5% Bush 51% Kerry 44% Bush +7
8/18/04 SurveyUSA Link 727 LV 4% Bush 53% Kerry 42% Bush +11
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 52% Kerry 43% Bush +9

Punditry: The approval gap is four points in South Carolina. The margin is a bit closer than one would expect, but there is still a Strong Advantage for Bush here.

Electoral Votes: 21
2000 Result
Gore 51%
Bush 46%

Background: Democrats have won this state 6 of the last 10 elections, with the first of Clinton's wins being attributable to Ross Perot being on the ballot (19%). Typically, the races in the Keystone state have been close. Pennsylvania started as leaning Bush last time, but has drifted to where it has a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans hold a 12-7 advantage in the numbers of Representatives, and hold both Senate seats. They also hold both chambers of the state legislature. The Democrats hold the major executive branch positions except for Attorney General, and have a significant registration advantage (48%-42%).

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/13/03 Quinnipiac Link 952 RV 3.2% Bush 56% Kerry 34% Bush +22
10/9/03 Quinnipiac Link 1,116 RV 3% Bush 50% Kerry 43% Bush +7
11/23/03 Muhlenberg College Link 430 RV 4.7% Bush 47% Kerry 40% Bush +7
12/14/03 Quinnipiac Link 1,092 RV 3% Bush 50% Kerry 42% Bush +8
2/18/04 Quinnipiac Ling 1,356 RV 2.7% Bush 45% Kerry 50% Dem +5
2/22/04 Keystone Poll Link 392 RV 4.9% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Dem +1
3/?/04 Muhlenberg College Link RV ?% Bush ?% Kerry ?% Push
3/3/04 Pennsylvania Public Mind Link 1750 Adults 2.4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
3/11/04 Survey USA Link 802 RV 3.5% Bush 47% Kerry 49% Kerry +2
3/15/04 Qunnipiac Link 1,022 RV (Nader not given as an option) 3 Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
1,022 RV (Nader given as an option) 3% Bush 44% Kerry 40% Bush +4
3/16/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 44% Kerry 45% Kerry +1
3/29/04 Keystone Poll Link 565 RV 4.1% Bush 46% Kerry 40% Bush +6
4/19/04 Quinnipiac Link 769 RV, Nader not an option 3.5% Bush 46% Kerry 42% Bush +4
769 RV, Nader an option 3.5% Bush 45% Kerry 39% Bush +6
4/25/04 Pew Research/Issues PA Link 867 RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 42% Push
5/3/04 Bennett, Petts, And Blumenthal (D) Link LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
5/7/04 Susquehanna Polling (R) Link 650 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 44% Bush +2
5/14/04 Muhlenberg College Link 400 RV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
5/25/04 Quinnipiac Link 701 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 44% Kerry +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 44% Bush +1
6/9/04 SurveyUSA Link 684 LV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 47% Kerry +1
6/22/04 Quinnipiac Link 839 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 44% Kerry +1
839 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 49% Kerry +6
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 RV 4% Bush 46% Kerry 41% Bush +5
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
7/11/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,157 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 41% Kerry 46% Kerry +5
1,157 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
7/20/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV 3% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
7/21/04 LA Times Link 815 RV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 48% Kerry +10
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 46% Kerry +1
8/2/04 SurveyUSA Link 748 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 53% Kerry +12
8/4/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 51% Kerry +8
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
8/15/04 Keystone Poll Link 660 RV 3% Bush 42% Kerry 48% Kerry +6
8/16/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,430 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 48% Kerry +5
1,430 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 42% Kerry 47% Kerry +5
8/18/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 49% Kerry +5
801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4
8/21/04 Pew Research/Issues PA Link 861 LV 3% Bush 45% Kerry 44% Bush +1
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 49% Kerry +4

Punditry: This is more of the type of result that has been frequent in Pennsylvania than the Issues PA result. There are some strange partisan breakdowns in this result. Neither side is getting more than 80% of their own party's vote. This is obviously more problematic for Kerry since his convention has passed. He makes up for it with an 18 point lead among self-described independents. The approval gap in Pennsylvania is a robust 7 points. Slight Advantage for Kerry.

Electoral Votes: 7
2000 Result
Bush 60%
Gore 38%

Background: Republicans have won every election here since LBJ.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
3/1/04 Wilson Research NA 300 RV 5.7% Bush 50% Kerry 40% Bush +10
4/1/04 Insider Advantage Link 400 Residents 5% Bush 47% Kerry 35% Bush +12
5/20/04 Wilson Research Link 500 RV 4% Bush 53% Kerry 34% Bush +19
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 58% Kerry 34% Bush +24
6/23/04 SurveyUSA Link 651 LV 4% Bush 60% Kerry 34% Bush +26
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 63% Kerry 31% Bush +32
7/12/04 KOTV and Tulsa World Link LV 5% Bush 59% Kerry 35% Bush +24
7/29/04 Basswood Research (R) Link 600 LV 4% Bush 56% Kerry 36% Bush +20
8/18/04 SurveyUSA Link 596 LV 5% Bush 57% Kerry 38% Bush +19
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 59% Kerry 36% Bush +23

Punditry: The lead is 'large'. Safe for Bush.

North Carolina
Electoral Votes: 15
2000 Result
Bush 56%
Gore 43%

Background: Since Lyndon Johnson's win here, only once have the Democrats taken Tar Heel electors. That's a bit deceptive, however, as many times it was extremely close. Carter lost to Reagan here by only two points in that nationwide blowout. Clinton lost two elections by a combined total of 5%. Yet the Clinton losses are also deceptive, in that the margins would have been considerably larger without Perot and his charts. Simply stated, like much of the south North Carolina votes Republican for President, although a southerner atop the ticket can make things interesting; not always though, as Al Gore demonstrated.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
9/16/03 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 51% Edwards 40% Bush +11
11/15/03 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 54% Edwards 42% Bush +12
11/25/03 Survey USA Link 563 RV 4.2% Bush 53% Kerry 39% Bush +14
11/25/03 Survey USA Link 563 RV 4.2% Bush 52% Edwards 45% Bush +7
2/26/04 Survey USA Link 654 RV 3.9% Bush 53% Kerry 42% Bush +11
3/11/04 Rasmussen Link 400 LV 3% Bush 51% Kerry 43% Bush +8
4/1/04 Bennett, Petts and Blumenthal (D) No Lik LV 4% Bush 51% Kerry 44% Bush +7
5/12/04 Mason-Dixon Link LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 41% Bush +7
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
6/16/04 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 47% Kerry 42% Bush +5
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 49% Kerry 42% Bush +7
7/12/04 Gallup Link 680 LV 5% Bush 56% Kerry 41% Bush +15
7/12/04 Mason-Dixon Link LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 45% Bush +3
7/14/04 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 49% Kerry 44% Bush +5
7/22/04 Fairbanks, Maslin, Maulin, and Associaties (D) Link 600 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
7/26/04 SurveyUSA Link 906 LV 3% Bush 51% Kerry 44% Bush +7
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 50% Kerry 45% Bush +5
8/11/04 Research 2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 48% Kerry 45% Bush +3
8/15/04 SurveyUSA Link 592 LV 4% Bush 51% Kerry 45% Bush +6
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 53% Kerry 43% Bush +10

Punditry: It is odd to see Rasmussen showing South Carolina closer than North Carolina. The approval gap is 5 points. Leaning Towards Bush.

New York
Electoral Votes: 31
2000 Result
Gore 60%
Bush 35%

Background: From 1960 onward, Republicans have carried the Empire State only three times. Nixon beat McGovern, Reagan beat Carter, and Reagan beat Mondale. Even Dukakis won here.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
4/03 Marist Link RV 4% Bush 32% Unnamed Democrat 39% Dem +7
9/23/03 Marist Link RV 4% Bush 32% Unnamed Democrat 48% Dem +16
10/28/03 Quinnipiac NA RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 50% Dem +8
11/19/03 Zogby Link LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 46% Dem +5
1/7/04 Marist Link 617 RV 4% Bush 34% Unnamed Democrat 36% Dem +2
4/12/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,279 RV, Nader an option 2.7% Bush 35% Kerry 49% Kerry +14
4/12/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,279 RV, Nader not an option 2.7% Bush 36% Kerry 53% Kerry +17
4/15/04 Marist Link 602 RV 4% Bush 38% Kerry 56% Kerry +18
4/22/04 Siena Researh Institute Link 625 RV 3.9% Bush 32% Kerry 51% Kerry +19
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 34% Kerry 57% Kerry +23
6/14/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,466 RV 3% Bush 34% Kerry 52% Kerry +18
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 30% Kerry 58% Kerry +28
7/15/04 Siena Research Link 604 LV 4% Bush 29% Kerry 51% Kerry +22
8/9/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,161 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 35% Kerry 53% Kerry +18
1,161 RV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 35% Kerry 55% Kerry +20
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 3% Bush 37% Kerry 56% Kerry +19

Punditry: Safe for Kerry.

New Jersey
Electoral Votes: 15
2000 Result
Gore 56%
Bush 40%

Background: New Jersey used to be considered a Republican state. Those days have passed, although there are still some signs of life. In the last 10 Presidential elections it has gone 1-6-3 with the Republican wins coming in the middle, the last Clinton win and the Gore win were by such substantial margins that it is hard to avoid the feeling that New Jersey is trending leftward.

If New Jersey remains tight enough to stay in the battleground, it is a case of back to the future. ECB2000 started with it leaning Gore's way. The Democrats have 7 of 13 Representatives and both Senate seats, control both chambers of the state legislature, hold all of the important executive offices, and have a 25%-19% advantage in voter registration.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
9/8/03 Rutgers Link 802 Adults 3.5% Bush 43% Unnamed Democrat 35% Bush +8
9/15/03 Fairleigh Dickinson University/Public Mind Link 600 RV 4% Bush 36% Unnamed Democrat 29% Bush +7
9/25/03 Quinnipiac Link RV 3.1% Bush 48% Kerry 43% Bush +5
11/10/03 Quinnipiac Link 1,027 RV 3.1% Bush 46% Kerry 43% Bush +3
1/11/04 Fairleigh Dickinson University/Public Mind Link 600 RV 4% Bush 40% Unnamed Democrat 32% Bush +8
1/13/04 Rutgers Link 823 RV 4.2% Bush 41% Unnamed Democrat 38% Bush +3
4/10/04 Fairleigh Dickinson University/Public Mind Link 802 RV, Nader not an option 3.5% Bush 47% Kerry 48% Kerry +1
4/10/04 Fairleigh Dickinson University/Public Mind Link 802 RV, Nader an option 3.5% Bush 48% Kerry 44% Bush +4
4/20/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 39% Kerry 51% Kerry +12
5/4/04 Rutgers / Eagleton Link 643 RV 4% Bush 37% Kerry 43% Kerry +6
5/16/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,129 RV, Nader not an option 2.9% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
5/16/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,129 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 43% Kerry 46% Kerry +3
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 39% Kerry 51% Kerry +12
6/20/04 Quinnipiac Link 1,167 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 40% Kerry 46% Kerry +6
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
7/26/04 Fairleigh Dickinson University/Public Mind Link 834 RV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 45% Kerry +2
7/28/04 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 40% Kerry 50% Kerry +10
7/30/04 Rutgers / Eagleton Link 624 RV 4% Bush 32% Kerry 52% Kerry +20
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 38% Kerry 51% Kerry +13
8/2/04 Quinnipiac Link 996 RV, Nader an option 3% Bush 36% Kerry 49% Kerry +13
8/9/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV, Nader an option 3% Bush 40% Kerry 49% Kerry +9
801 LV, Nader not an option 3% Bush 40% Kerry 52% Kerry +12
8/19/04 Research2000 Link 600 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 52% Kerry +11
8/19/04 National Research (R) Link 500 RV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 42% Push
8/23/04 Quinnipiac Link 887 RV 3% Bush 39% Kerry 49% Kerry +10
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 43% Kerry 51% Kerry +8

Punditry: A little bit closer than the last Rasmussen, and still Leaning Towards Kerry. The approval gap is five points.

Electoral Votes: 17
2000 Result
Gore 51%
Bush 46%

Background: 2-5-3 in the last ten elections. Without Perot, it likely would have been 2-6-2. Since Lyndon Johnson, only Reagan in his re-elect has approached 60%. Michigan has gone from leaning Bush to having a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans have 9 of 15 Representatives, Democrats hold both Senate seats, while Republicans hold both houses of the state legislature. The state executive is split; Democrats hold the Governor and Lt. Governor positions while Republicans have the Secretary of State and Attorney General slots.

Michigan has gone from leaning Bush to having a slight advantage for the Democrats. Republicans have 9 of 15 Representatives, Democrats hold both Senate seats, while Republicans hold both houses of the state legislature. The state executive is split; Democrats hold the Governor and Lt. Governor positions while Republicans have the Secretary of State and Attorney General slots.

Polling Data:

Date Polling Company Link Type MOE Republican Democrat Margin
5/26/03 Epic/MRA Link 400 RV 5% Bush 48% Unnamed Democrat 41% Bush +7
9/21/03 Detroit News/Mitchell Research Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Unnamed Democrat 49% Dem +5
12/10/03 Survey USA Link 724 LV 3.7% Bush 53% Kerry 43% Bush +10
2/3/04 Survey USA Link 724 LV 3.7% Bush 46% Kerry 51% Dem +5
2/22/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 49% Dem +4
3/1/04 Detroit News/Mitchell Research Link LV 4% Bush 40% Kerry 46% Kerry +6
3/14/04 Rasmussen Link 500 LV 4.5% Bush 44% Kerry 48% Kerry +4
3/14/04 Marketing Resource Group Link 600 RV 4.1% Bush 47% Kerry 45% Bush +2
4/1/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
4/4/04 Survey USA Link 536 LV 4.3% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
5/2/04 Survey USA Link 536 LV 4.3% Bush 43% Kerry 47% Kerry +4
5/12/04 Detroit News/Mitchell Research Link 413 LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 40% Bush +4
5/31/04 Survey USA Link 567 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 47% Kerry +4
5/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 5% Bush 41% Kerry 47% Kerry +6
6/6/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 47% Kerry +2
6/23/04 Fox Opinion Dynamics Link 750 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 40% Bush +2
6/30/04 Survey USA Link 594 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
6/30/04 Detroit News/Mitchell Research Link 400 LV 5% Bush 44% Kerry 43% Bush +1
6/30/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
7/1/04 SurveyUSA Link LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 51% Kerry +10
7/8/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 43% Kerry 50% Kerry +7
7/8/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 47% Kerry +3
7/17/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV 3% Bush 44% Kerry 46% Kerry +2
7/31/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 44% Kerry 50% Kerry +6
8/2/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV 3% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
8/4/04 SurveyUSA Link 608 LV 4% Bush 41% Kerry 52% Kerry +11
8/10/04 Epic/MRA Link 600 LV 4% Bush 42% Kerry 49% Kerry +7
8/17/04 Strategic Vision (R) Link 801 LV 3% Bush 42% Kerry 48% Kerry +6
8/19/04 American Research Group Link 600 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
8/24/04 SurveyUSA Link 548 LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 48% Kerry +3
8/26/04 Rasmussen Link LV 4% Bush 45% Kerry 50% Kerry +5

Punditry: The Rasmussen numbers surprised me since they were fairly different from the mid-month update, and as such I have reversed my decision and put Michigan back in the Leaning Towards Kerry designation-- although it will likely be a closer designation when next polled due to the Republican convention. Again the approval gap is five points.

Effective National Popular Results: Kerry 46.6%, Bush 46.5%
Kerry Bush
Safe Strong Lean Slight Tossup Slight Lean Strong Safe
DC (3) DE (3) OR (7)
WV (5)
CO (9)
NV (5)
TN (11)
SD (3)
ND (3)
RI (4)
VT (3)
NH (4)
NM (5)
OH (20)
FL (27)
AZ (10)
LA (9)
NE (5)
MA (12)
HI (4)
WA (11)
MN (10)
- AR (6)
NC (15)
KY (8)
WY (3)
NY (31)
IL (21)
ME (4)
PA (21)
- MO (11)
VA (13)
SC (8)
MS (6)
- CT (7)
MI (17)
IA (7)
- WI (10)
- GA (15)
UT (5)
- NJ (15)
- - - - - - MT (3)
- MD (10)
- - - - - - ID (4)
- CA (55)
- - - - - - KS (6)
- - - - - - - - AK (3)
- - - - - - - - IN (11)
- - - - - - - - OK (7)
- - - - - - - - TX (34)
- - - - - - - - AL (9)

Kerry States Battleground States Bush States
50 118 43 48 29 59 49 43 99
211 136 191

* Indicates a Registered Voter poll as opposed to a Likely Voter poll.
*R Indicates a partisan Republican poll. *D Inidcates a partisan Democrat poll.
** Indicates a poll of either adults or residents.

TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: dales; ecb; ecb2004; electoralcollege; polls
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1 posted on 08/29/2004 7:31:12 PM PDT by Dales
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To: Coop; The G Man; nevergiveup; scan58; AuH2ORepublican; BoomerBob; Galatians513; onyx; KJacob; ...

Getting better ping.

2 posted on 08/29/2004 7:32:09 PM PDT by Dales
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To: Dales
I look forward to your posts on this topic, but they are causing me to drink! ;-)
3 posted on 08/29/2004 7:34:01 PM PDT by HoustonCurmudgeon (Bush, DeLay and Armstrong - Good to be a Texan.)
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To: Dales

Another great article

4 posted on 08/29/2004 7:35:38 PM PDT by okstate
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To: Dales

Good evening.....four threads earlier has Bush ahead 300-238.. a "quality assurance test" week you should put Massachusets in the Bush column..see if anybody notices it...

5 posted on 08/29/2004 7:35:41 PM PDT by ken5050 (Bill Clinton has just signed to be the national spokesman for Hummer..)
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To: Dales

Indeed it is getting better and with a 51% approval rating, we're in a good position at the start of the convention. Many predict a slight bump due to the small number of undecideds. At this point, any bump is welcomed.

6 posted on 08/29/2004 7:35:57 PM PDT by StarFan
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To: All

President Ford ended up with 48% in 1976, not 44 as this article states.

7 posted on 08/29/2004 7:36:01 PM PDT by TNCMAXQ
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To: Dales
Great Job Dales - Agree with most all of how you see it -

Though I'd put WI in the toss-up and move CO in the slight GWB at this point -

8 posted on 08/29/2004 7:38:26 PM PDT by POA2
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I just posted this yesterday on another thread.  My how things have changed.

Including the blue-red flip-flop.

9 posted on 08/29/2004 7:43:22 PM PDT by quantim (Victory is not relative, it is absolute.)
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To: quantim

I don't recall Reagan running in 1976. Am I missing something?

10 posted on 08/29/2004 7:49:49 PM PDT by fhayek
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To: Dales

Ugh! This looks horrendous to me. What a sour note to end on prior to retiring for the night. Maybe next week after the RNC is over, you will have some better news.

11 posted on 08/29/2004 7:51:23 PM PDT by RepubMommy
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To: fhayek

A Republican elector voted for Reagan instead of Ford.

12 posted on 08/29/2004 7:53:51 PM PDT by okstate
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To: Dales

Your analysis is very good.
Thanks for yeoman's work.
After the NY Convention and the first debate I believe the trends established (either way) will be very hard to reverse for either party unless Bush or Kerry has a meltdown second debate or some unforeseen occurance happens before Nov 2nd.

13 posted on 08/29/2004 7:53:57 PM PDT by WoodstockCat
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To: okstate

Thanks for the clarification.

14 posted on 08/29/2004 7:55:18 PM PDT by fhayek
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To: Dales

Everybody else seems to refer to the conservative states as the red states, but you render them in blue. It is quite confusing.

15 posted on 08/29/2004 7:56:24 PM PDT by Petronski (Sometimes I'm just too damned cranky.)
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To: fhayek

IIRC, Reagan had a lot of write-ins or something to put him on the radar.

Fun to entertain though - if Carter had not ever been elected how that would have changed history?

16 posted on 08/29/2004 7:57:11 PM PDT by quantim (Victory is not relative, it is absolute.)
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Comment #17 Removed by Moderator

To: Dales

You did a LOT of work on this Dale.
Thank you.
Much appreciated
and I mean that sincerely.

18 posted on 08/29/2004 8:14:12 PM PDT by onyx (JohnKerry -- the standard bearer for the unbearable)
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To: Dales
Thanks, great stuff.

Looks to me like the election will be decided in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Either and those leaning Bush are enough. Looks quite do-able to me. I wouldn't be surprised by a final Bush electoral vote count around 310.

19 posted on 08/29/2004 8:19:31 PM PDT by JasonC
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You are correct, and you have it how it is on my yellow pad. I typed it wrong. Mea culpa.

20 posted on 08/29/2004 8:38:27 PM PDT by Dales
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