To: Still Thinking
Soda's are very acidic, whould you drink battery acid. Milk coats the intestinal walls with a thick gooo. Both are not good for you.
Milk also is loaded with are sorts of drugs and hormones, not good.
4 posted on
08/24/2004 4:02:14 PM PDT by
(Real issue is Kerry attended meeting where VVAW discussed killing 7 US Senators! 11/71)
To: stockpirate
5 posted on
08/24/2004 4:02:59 PM PDT by
("Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Ted" - Joseph Kennedy 1958)
To: stockpirate
Casein is the culprit read Flo Jo's autopsy on
8 posted on
08/24/2004 4:11:48 PM PDT by
To: stockpirate
Oh please. I am a 64 year old woman & life time milk drinker. I have bones like the doctors can't believe.
11 posted on
08/24/2004 4:15:54 PM PDT by
To: All
I'm not necessarily taking a position on the debate itself, just on the audacity of people who have their definition of the [people with productive jobs]-[government] relationship back asswards.
Did my mama teach me not to drink soda much, yes. Do I think the gubmint has the moral right to give that advice binding force, HELL NO!
To: stockpirate
In the old days they let a cow or goat, have a calf and then humans partook of that milk. Plus the animal was allowed to graze. Now they confine the animal, and feed it very strange stuff, and as it gets diseased, they begin to pump it full of antibiotics. Then they figured out if you pump it full of hormones, it gives more milk. Now the animal is stressed and begins to manufacture white blood cells which is added to the volume of milk produced. So, better to let nature provide the milk.
14 posted on
08/24/2004 4:18:21 PM PDT by
D Edmund Joaquin
(and may your nose always smell of apples (Song of Solomon 7:8))
To: stockpirate
I agree with you. Both soda and milk are no good (except breast milk for infants). I don't know what is so difficult to understand here. Of course, if people want to keep drinking that crap, all the power to them. It's still a free country.
I honestly believe that beer, cider and wine are better for kids then milk. I'm totally serious. Not jesting at all. In moderate amounts, of course.
30 posted on
08/24/2004 4:46:54 PM PDT by
(Junior Brown rocks the house...)
To: stockpirate
Soda's are very acidic, whould you drink battery acid. I'll put vinegar on my greens, drink apple juice and eat oranges -- but I've got enough sense not to drink battery acid.
Guess you didn't, huh?
70 posted on
08/24/2004 5:46:24 PM PDT by
(The Mainstream Media: IGNORANCE ON PARADE)
To: stockpirate
The Center for Science in the Public Interest is a PETA front group. They have an animal rights agenda. They are not objective. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is also a PETA front group. Anything you hear from these groups is slanted. It's junk science.
To: stockpirate
Soda's are very acidic, whould you drink battery acid. Milk coats the intestinal walls with a thick gooo. Both are not good for you.
Milk also is loaded with are sorts of drugs and hormones, not good.
You try to give a calf homogenized milk, I'm told it would died. The cow get its strong bones and calcium from eating green grass, not drinking milk!
There's is no milk in our household, replaced with soy drinks!!
Last week I talk wit a young man 350 lbs who have lost 65 lbs since march on our weight loss program. He was drinking 12+ cokes a day!! Count the sugar and calorie intakes and go figure!!!
94 posted on
08/25/2004 7:32:01 AM PDT by
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