To: stockpirate
5 posted on
08/24/2004 4:02:59 PM PDT by
("Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Ted" - Joseph Kennedy 1958)
To: Belisaurius
The coating reduces the bodies ability to absord nutrients
7 posted on
08/24/2004 4:11:36 PM PDT by
(Real issue is Kerry attended meeting where VVAW discussed killing 7 US Senators! 11/71)
To: Belisaurius
Babies need more fat than the rest of us and can process the saturated fat of breast ( and other ) milk . From age three one really should strictly limit the intake of milk and meat products in order to prevent artherosclerosis . Many boys in our society have significant coronary artherosclerosis by the time they reach late adolescence .
15 posted on
08/24/2004 4:19:17 PM PDT by
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