where was this Dole when he was running for president??
being slaughtered, like a good soldier, by facing clintong's insulting "bob's not a war hero" and "my dick don't need viagra" type of insults.
in a lot of ways... bob dole, did defeat clintong.
he displayed by contrast, the traitorous pos, on a background of the "quiet hero" of yesteryear.
F bill clintong and his slimeball machine manufacturer, soros.
screw kerry the kommie, and poster boy for traitorous lying deserters under fire, that spit on the Dole's of the US Military and their valor, honor and righteousness under fire.
Coward Communist Comrade Cerry...
somebody needs to lance the oozing puss filled boil on the American ass left by these hanoi loving communists.
Dole got out his scalpel this weekend.
Kerry and his campaign look more and more like a disease ridden pile of rat crap every single day.
Told to be presidential by his moronic handlers: "Bob, we know you have a quick wit, but people won't take you seriously if you're cracking wise. Bob, people say you have a mean streak and that you're dark, keep your passions in and you won't have a blowout. Better to be a little reserved than melt down."
And so the Bob Dole we saw in '96 was a man fighting against all his natural tendencies resulting in blank, zip, dullsville.
"where was this Dole when he was running for president??"
Dole has always been like this. Where have all you folks been? He's a hoot, and has been for years!