You are right. He has NOT specifically targeted the Swift Boat Vets. Anytime he or anyone in his campaign is harangued about this, they say the same thing, "The President would like to see and end to ALL of the ads by 527's".
Many of his campaign spokespeople have been pointing out that the vast majority of the 527 ads have viciously attacked the President, and Kerry has not only NOT repudiated them, he's repeated some of the allegations, including the AWOL accusation.
John O'Neill and Rush are discussing this story right now. It's just another attempt to try to make the Swift Boat Vets look bad, but the truth of the matter hasn't changed.
It just morphed into this article:
Kerry, Bush in Political Firefight
Monday, August 23, 2004,2933,129729,00.html
Kerry Cambodia Visit Scrutinized
WASHINGTON Opening himself up to charges that the Bush-Cheney campaign is coordinating with an unregulated political organization, President Bush (search) says a veterans' group should stop television ads criticizing John Kerry's (search) war record.
Bush said the Swift boat ad and other ads from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (search), a 527 group named after its status in the tax code, should be pulled.