They have a guy called Dick Pees? LOL!!
These two authors do a stand-up job in exposing Kerry.
Meanwhile the Kerry media tries to avoid looking at the story, instead concentrating on a Bush connection conspiracy theory.
(Whoa ... I am genius! Thats my new tagline!)
This is great! Now we need to really hammer the point home with some pro-Bush ads to make the contrast crystal clear. We could have commercial with GW talking straight into the camera with an american flag waving in a gentle breeze behind him while he talks in a humble way about the medals he earned and he wouldn't even have to mention Kerry. Bush can stay focussed on the positive and the Swift Boat Vets can keep up the negative. It would be a killer combo!!
"and claim that Kerry, whose version of events agrees with the report, wrote the report himself--a claim Kerry's campaign denies."
If all of Kerry's records were released, could this be definitively proven or disproven?
Main Entry: de·spi·ca·ble
Etymology: Late Latin despicabilis; to despise
: deserving to be despised : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation <despicable behavior>
synonym see CONTEMPTIBLE
If Rassmann was in the water, how in the world is it possible to conclusively know that no other people were in the water. Maybe Rassmann has some sort of x-ray vision that allows him to see through boats or something.
read later
While I wasn't there, I've come to the conclusion that Kerry freaked out that day and it became the straw that broke the humps back.
That is why he wrote up a AAR that would get him out of town. He couldn't handle it. Kerry is not a real world person. It's like Walter Mitty meets the Viet Cong.
Having fled not only the scene of the mining of PCF-3, he also fled VN. He was so envious of those that could cut it he took to undermining them and maligning them in front of congress. He's a very bitter 6'4" little man.
Keep moving people nothing to see here!! </sarcasm>
If the Swift Boat Vets were lying John Kerry could immediately cut them off at the knees by releasing his Service Records.But by doing so his records would probably validate everything the Swiftees are saying and more. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place?
John Kerry is the ultimate Phony bar none!