There's a government-connected gang in Brazil who specialize in getting OTM's into our country. Lately I read of a Mexican gang who put their clients through a crash "Mexicanization" course before sneaking them in.
Once here the terrorists have a ready-made support network already in place - 80% of all the mosques in America. Seems only 20% of our Islamic neighbors are free from Saudi-Wahhabi funding and influence.
Muslems make up a very large percentage of cab drivers all over the U.S.
As long as the cult of Islam is regarded as a religion precious little can be done about it under the law. It's tight control over its adherants insures lack of cooperation with our authorities. Anti-profiling policies gives our enemies an even larger edge.
Sleep tight.
Yep -- and I'll bet just as few trucks and cars will be checked coming over the border tomorrow. I can't help but wonder if they're planning something for NY --- something to scare the public into voting like the Spaniards did.