Wow, good memory. Now the question is, why did it take a year and a half for this to come home to roost? I haven't been following the scandal: was it the incipient sexual harrassment suit that tipped the scales?
As I said on another thread - everybody even remotely interested in politics in this state knew that McGreevey was gay. And everybody knew he hired his unqualified boy toy to be THE STATES ANTI-TERRORISM CHIEF!
The press knew. The politicians knew.
But they never made it a story.
This state is corrupt from top to bottom.
Maybe he got the "Toricelli" call.
And Kushner's closet is full of skeletons also!!
Is Mayor Kennedy oof Rahway gay also since hes McGreedy's "best friend"?
And bringing your PARENTS to such a press conference is DESPICABLE!! Unless they are on the take also.
There is more than just sexual harassment going on here. I don't know what, maybe he had sex with a minor boy and that is what is driving him out.