Swifts were 50 feet. I understand there was a 30 foot US boat, shallow draft, that would have been used to go into Cambodia, if there was any mission to Cambodia. Note Kerry's reference to Apocalypse Now. The single boat that Martin Sheen was driving, was smaller than a Swift Boat.
The movie reference, which most media leave out in referring to Kerry, helps to explain what's going on. Kerry's boat would not, for physical limitations, be used on a Cambodian "black op." But Kerry made that connection to paint himself as a hero in his own mind.
Congressman Billybob
Latest column, "Says the Wuss: Ma, He's Touching Me"
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OK, so we have Kerry caught 100% red handed on paper lying about his war record to propel himself politically. What is the best way to exploit this?
30 footers were PBRs - patrol boats, riverine. Essentially Jacuzzis on water. Would love to get my hands on one today, but they were all left behind in RVN. Also - Martin Sheen did not drive the PBR into Cambodia - the "Chief" did. Sheen was a USA captain, not a navy ossifer.
Oh but, John of Arc has his "lucky hat", given to him by a CIA guy.