1 - This is in clear and obvious violation of the intent of the Constitution, if they wanted anybody to be able to run for office anywhere why did they put a residency clause in the Constitution in the first place?
2 - If you really believed 1 you wouldn't make point 2. If you feel this follows the intent of the Constitution why talk about reaching below the Constitution? And even if 2 was valid, this is not one of those times. keyes is going to lose, he's going to lose badly, and even if he won, 1 Senator isn't goiung to change anything.
Keyes could have done more good campaigning in Illinois. His single issue is a non-starter. There's no reason to give somebody six years in an elected office for one issue, and too many people don't like single issue candidates, and now that he's violated his own principles there's no reason to believe he'll actually stand by his single issue. He violated the intent of the Constitution, he violated his own stated principles, he is no longer to be trusted. If lying is not unbearable what is? And that's what Keyes did, he made himself a liar.