Geragos has requested -- and apparently received -- a continuance until next Tuesday because he says he has some evidence he needs to have tested.
Here we go with the Thursday Hollywood Act!! Don't be too concerned, he's scared of Amber's testimony and the wiretaps coming up. Wonder what he's going to attempt? Did you get that news blurb this morning about some woman coming forward who states that apparently Peterson TOLD HER he was going to do his wife in? I'm not sure if that is the exact wording, I just caught the statement as I was walking out of the bedroom. I'll go and check the TV now.
You're kidding! How dare he, when this trial is already taking so long??
Regarding Amber, there's no telling WHAT they are doing to rattle her. Consider this: I remember a mere child custody case. (I say "mere" b/c it's way small compared to murder!) One party somehow finagled it so that the other party got arrested the night before the trial. The person arrested was someone who never got in that sort of trouble, no criminal record, etc. But she was duped into a situation where the police ended up being called. It took her all night to get out of it, and so at the trial the next day, she looked and felt like death warmed over.
Now. If someone would go to all that trouble for a custody case, what do you think Geragos and his ilk would do to rattle a major witness in a very public murder trial??
I'm still waiting to find out what Scott gave Amber for Christmas. One can only imagine..:~)