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9/11 Report is missing the 'Pro-Life' part
Cruxnews ^ | 6th August 2004 | Paul Likoudis

Posted on 08/04/2004 10:10:15 PM PDT by AskStPhilomena

"James Kopp is as much a terrorist as Osama bin Laden. Whether it’s killing a doctor in Amherst or 6,000 people, they are killing to accomplish their mission" — FBI special agent John P. Culhane, as quoted by Lou Michel in The Buffalo News, October 24, 2001.

Approximately halfway between the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, engineered by the famous "blind sheik," Egyptian Omar Abdel-Rahman, and the April 19, 1995 truck-bombing of the Federal Murrah building in Oklahoma City, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno established, in August 1994, a secret, and probably illegal, computer database known as VAAPCON, the Violence Against Abortion Providers Conspiracy.

That same month, in August 1994, according to exhaustive research of published newspaper reports and official government investigations performed by volunteers at the Center for Cooperative Research a young Saudi with extensive ties to the Saudi government and its aviation industry, Omar al-Bayoumi, arrived in San Diego, where he made contact with a number of the future 9-11 hijackers. What he did, exactly, in San Diego has never been sufficiently explained, although his role is discussed in the classified section of the 9-11 congressional investigation, released in July 2003, and still not available to the public.

Throughout the eight years of the Clinton regime, and continuing through the presidency of George W. Bush, a steady drumbeat of media propaganda has demonized America’s pro-life citizens as "terrorists," as a succession of executive, judicial, and legislative acts was issued to monitor them (as VAAPCON), and restrict their free speech activities.

As the intelligence services of Russia, Israel, Germany, France, Italy, Jordan, and Egypt, among others, pushed a steady stream of information to Washington, alerting both the Clinton and Bush administrations that a major terrorist attack, with airplanes targeting major American symbols, was nearing the end of the planning stages, the Justice Department and the FBI seemed more interested in American pro-lifers.

On October 23, 1998, pro-life activist James C. Kopp used a high-powered rifle to kill Buffalo abortionist Barnett Slepian, as the doctor stood in his kitchen, surrounded by his wife and children, stirring some soup.

Over the next 29 months, until his capture in Dinan, France, on March 29, 2001, according to published press reports, nearly 300 FBI agents and other police, as well as agents of Interpol, were on Kopp’s trail, investigating and interviewing anyone and everyone who had ever come into contact with him — as well as scores who never did, such as this reporter and his wife, whose role as a spokesman for Project Rescue in Buffalo ended nine years earlier in 1989. We moved 150 miles away from Buffalo in 1993.

Less than 24 hours after Kopp killed Slepian, FBI agents were interviewing friends and former landlords in Vermont, New Jersey, and New York. Hundreds of special agents, as well as local and state police, spread across New York. On the day after the November 1998 election, as this reporter was talking at home by telephone to conservative commentator Patrick J. Buchanan for his read on the election — which represented a decisive victory for "pro-choice" America — agents from the FBI, state police, and Amherst police were knocking on our door.

Over the next month, FBI agents and police rented a small A-frame in Lodi, NY (population 1,400), visiting my wife and me daily, sometimes three times a day, staking out our house, trailing us whenever we drove away, checking our mail at the post office, stopping in at the one saloon in town, the Eagle Hotel, for background information on us.

At the moment Kopp was captured, when the entire U.S. intelligence "system was blinking red" — as chapter 8 of the recently released 9-11 Commission’s official report is titled — there were between 11 and 39 of the FBI’s 11,000 field agents pursuing rock-solid leads on Arab terrorists in U.S. flight schools, and finding their reports summarily dismissed by their superiors in Washington.

In other words, at any given time, both the Clinton and Bush administrations devoted about a tenth of the manpower to Arab terrorists plotting the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and other buildings as they did to pursuing and "bringing to justice" James C. Kopp, whose victim was a specialist in late-term abortions.

In reality, the enormous federal expenditures in money and manpower were directed toward protecting and promoting real American "terrorists," who are destroying society from within: the abortionists and their sexual libertine allies in media, entertainment, and politics who are subverting normal family life and relationships.

Nothing so perfectly illustrates the confused priorities of a government committed to free access to the mass murder of one-third of America’s babies, and 50 million per year worldwide, according to the United Nations World Health Organization.

This is best seen in Boston during the Democratic National Convention, the national party of abortion, sodomy, and pornography, meeting under the protection of all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and every branch of law enforcement, from the Irish Boston cop to the FBI, CIA, and all the resources of Homeland Security.

The official report the 9-11 (bipartisan) Commission issued blamed nobody in either the Clinton or Bush administrations for the attacks of September 11, 2001. Rather, as widely noted, it "blamed" a "failure of [bureaucratic] imagination," and called for a new intelligence bureaucracy with a broad mandate and sweeping powers.

Just how Washington works — if one can call it that — can be discerned by looking at official investigations and press reports on both the 9-11 timeline and the government’s determination to capture and detain James Kopp.

In October 1998, as Kopp was plotting to wound Slepian, and planning his getaway, the 9-11 hijackers were settling into their routines across the United States, in most cases under the watchful eyes of FBI agents.

According to the report by the Joint House-Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, September 18, 2002, available on the Internet, the al-Qaeda plot against the United States began in 1982.

"From 1994 through as late as August 2001, the Intelligence Community had received information indicating that international terrorists had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks," the report declares.

"While this method of attack had clearly been discussed in terrorist circles, there was apparently little, if any, effort by Intelligence Community analysts to produce any strategic assessments of terrorists using aircraft as weapons. . . . Concern about bin Laden continued to grow over time and reached peak levels in the spring and summer of 2001, as the Intelligence Community faced increasing numbers of reports of imminent al-Qa’ida attacks against U.S. interests. In July and August 2001, that rise in intelligence reporting began to decrease. . . .

"Our review has confirmed that initially, the Intelligence Community focused on bin Laden as a financier of terrorist activities. In 1996 [two years after Janet Reno established VAAPCON — editor], as bin Laden’s direct involvement in planning and directing terrorist acts became more evident, the DCI [Director of Central Intelligence]’s CTC [Counter-Terrorist Center] created a special unit to focus specifically on him. Approximately 10-15 individuals were assigned to that unit at that time. Since that realization in 1996, the Community has been actively engaged — with mixed success — in operations to collect intelligence on [Osama] bin Laden and disrupt this network. On September 10, 2001, there were approximately 35-40 personnel assigned to the CTC’s special bin Laden unit. Recognizing the danger posed by bin Laden, the FBI created its own unit in 1999 at FBI headquarters to focus on him. Approximately 17-19 individuals were working in that FBI unit on September 10."

By October 1998, when Kopp fired the shot he says was intended to wound Slepian, the FBI knew well that the 9-11 hijackers were all in place, were traveling with ease from the United States to Canada and abroad, and had a good bead on their Saudi funding sources.

According to the Joint House-Senate Committee’s 2003 report, FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent were tracking a terrorist cell in Chicago, but were told to take no other action than to follow the suspects around town and file reports. When the two agents tracked the al-Qaeda operatives and traced their funding to Saudi multimillionaire businessman Yassin al-Qadi, their supervisor told them not to make any arrests and thwarted the criminal investigation they sought.

Wright told ABC News he was told by his supervisors their investigation was over, and "it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie.

"Those dogs weren’t sleeping, they were training, they were getting ready. . . . September 11 is a direct result of the incompetence of the FBI’s International Terrorism Unit…Absolutely no doubt about that," agent Wright declared.

Chicago federal prosecutor Mark Flessner, also working on the case, said there "were powers bigger than I in the Justice Department and within the FBI that simply were not going to let [the building of a criminal case] happen."

In June 2001,Wright wrote an internal FBI memo harshly criticizing the FBI for shutting down his investigation.

After Kopp assassinated Slepian, the FBI waged an international manhunt for Kopp, following his movements from Buffalo to the Newark Airport, to Mexico, and then to Scotland, Ireland, and France. Regular media updates kept the public informed all through 2000 on his likely whereabouts and his aliases. FBI agents swarmed the United States, visiting invalids in hospitals who once knew him, housewives who once employed him as a day-worker, and rescuers who had spent time with him years earlier in various jails across the country.

Speculation appeared in the press that Kopp was responsible for attacks on abortionists in Canada from coast to coast. Every aspect of his life was meticulously investigated, as were those of everyone who had ever met him or might have met him — and no resource, effort, or expense was spared, and no limitations were placed on the pursuit of this supreme goal.

Neglecting The Hijackers

In the same two-and-a-half years, U.S. investigative and intelligence agencies were receiving loads of information on the activities and plans of the 9-11 hijackers.

By January 2001, chief hijacker Mohammed Atta was known to be working temporarily in a copy shop in Toronto, where he was manufacturing fake IDs (The Toronto Sun, September 28, 2001).

That same month, according to The Washington Post (September 30, 2001), hijackers Hamza Alghamdi and Mohand Alshehri rented a post office box in Delray Beach, Fla. That claim was denied by FBI Director Robert Mueller in his testimony to the Congressional Intelligence Committee, who asserted they didn’t enter the country until May 28, 2001.

Also in January 2001, hijacker Hani Hanjour, who would fly the plane into the Pentagon, signed up with the Arizona flight school JetTech, which alerted the FAA, which took no action.

An FAA official named John Anthony, reported the Associated Press May 10, 2002, actually tried to mentor Hanjour, sitting next to him in class to observe his skills. He advised the flight school to provide Hanjour with a translator to help him pass, but the flight school pointed out that goes "against the rules that require a pilot to be able to write and speak English fluently before they even get their license."

Pursuing The Pro-Life "Terrorists"

As the FBI dragnet tightened around Kopp and Loretta Marra and her husband Dennis Malvasi (who were trying to secretly move Kopp back into the United States) by means of paid informants, telephone bugs, and hidden bedroom microphones, and crashing into their e-mail accounts, at the same time hijacker Marwan Alshehhi flew from the U.S. to Casablanca, Morocco, and back, for unknown reasons. He re-entered the United States without trouble, despite having overstayed his previous visa by about five weeks, as was reported by The Los Angeles Times on September 27, 2001, and confirmed by the Department of Justice on May 20, 2002.

President George W. Bush was sworn into office on January 20, 2001. Various Clinton administration holdovers, including National Security Council Chief Richard Clarke, made numerous attempts to warn the administration of the al-Qaeda threat.

Just days after the inauguration, Clarke appealed to Bush to hit Osama bin Laden at his camp in Afghanistan, arguing that the camps were "can’t-miss targets, and they [matter]. The facilities [amount] to conveyor belts for al-Qaeda’s human capital, with raw recruits arriving and trained fighters departing — either for front lines against the Northern Alliance, the Afghan rebel coalition, or against American interests somewhere else," reported The Washington Post a year later, January 20, 2002.

In February 2001, six unconnected people in San Antonio alerted the FBI that two of the hijackers, Satam Al Suqami and Salem Alhazmi, were living in San Antonio, attending the Alpha Tango Flight School. No action was taken.

On February 7, 2001, CIA Director George Tenet warned Congress in open testimony: "The threat from terrorism is real, it is immediate, and it is evolving," but no action was taken, and a funding increase for anti-terrorist actions was rejected.

In March, the Italian government warned the United States that al-Qaeda operatives were talking about a "very, very secret" plan to forge documents "for the brothers who are going to the United States" in an attack involving aircraft.

That same month, Fox TV aired a pilot program called The Lone Gunmen, in which an aircraft’s guidance system is hijacked by computers and directed into the World Trade Center Towers, but the pilots’ skill at the last second averts the crash.

On March 7, 2001, the Russian Permanent Mission at the United Nations presented to the UN Security Council a secret document on bin Laden, his network, and drug-running. But as the highly respected Jane’s Intelligence Review reported three weeks after 9-11, the U.S. failed to act on the information.

On March 30, 2001, just days after agents of the FBI’s Joint Terrorist Task Force broke down the doors of Marra and Malvasi’s Brooklyn apartment, HBO broadcast an expose on the radical anti-abortion group, Army of God, warning the American citizenry that these pro-life "terrorists" constituted a growing threat to Americans’ liberties.

On June 14, 2001, to great press acclaim, the pro-abortion Feminist Majority Foundation announced its National Clinic Access Project, offering security training to abortion clinic personnel, warning that "authorities have only just begun to expose the far-reaching, organized network of extremists who have long aided and abetted James Charles Kopp and others who commit violent crimes against abortion providers and clinics."

In August 2001, according to Minneapolis FBI agent Colleen Rowley, in her May 21, 2002 letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, the FBI and other intelligence agencies were thwarting FBI field agents across the country from tracking terrorists all through the summer of 2001.

The FACE Act

In 1994, a year after the truck-bombing of the World Trade Center, Congress passed the FACE Act — the Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances Act — on the belief that pro-lifers were waging war on Americans’ liberties.

Four years later, in November 1998, after Slepian’s death, Attorney General Janet Reno announced the establishment of the National Task Force on Violence Against Health Care Providers, to investigate and prosecute those who disrupt the abortion business, and establishing a database on American pro-lifers.

According to Reno’s report on the work of the task force, issued in November 2000, this task force was merely one of "a number of other federal laws [which] also apply to violent acts directed against health care providers. For example, 18 U.S.C. §844(i) establishes a federal felony criminal offense where an individual ‘maliciously damages or destroys, or attempts to damage or destroy, by means of fire or an explosive, any building, vehicle, or other real or personal property used in interstate or foreign commerce.’

"Offenses under section 844(i) are most frequently charged in instances of violence involving arsons or bombings of reproductive health care clinics. Similarly, the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony offense against a reproductive health care provider might warrant prosecution under18 U.S.C. §924(c).

"In addition, 18 U.S.C. §1951 (more commonly referred to as the ‘Hobbs Act’) criminalizes conduct that obstructs, delays, or affects commerce by means of robbery or extortion. Attempts to coerce a reproductive health care provider to limit or halt operations may constitute a violation of this statute. The penalties for these various offenses are substantial.

"In August 1994, the Attorney General established the Task Force on Violence Against Abortion Providers (often referred to as VAAPCON). VAAPCON was charged with determining whether there was a nationwide conspiracy to commit acts of violence against reproductive health care providers. While the evidence gathered did not support a definitive conclusion as to the existence of a nationwide conspiracy, VAAPCON played an important role in the early implementation of FACE and also reinforced to law enforcement officials the availability of other federal criminal statutes to address clinic violence [emphasis added].

"Indeed, VAAPCON’s coordinated activity resulted in a great increase in the flow of information concerning risks faced by providers and in the number of criminal and civil cases successfully prosecuted by the department, and its work generated much information that is relevant to current investigations. In January 1995, President Clinton directed each of the 93 United States Attorneys to establish a local task force to coordinate law enforcement efforts relating to clinic violence."

In June 1999, James C. Kopp was added to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list, along with Osama bin Laden, two years after the latter declared war on the United States.

Among the accomplishments of the task force, Reno reported in November 2000, was the "enhanced training" of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials and agents to track pro-life terrorists and bring them to justice, as well as training abortion facility personnel on security issues, and offering the following tips:

"Do not put your name on the outside of your residence or mailbox.

"Have good outside lighting.

"Control vegetation to eliminate hiding places.

"Entrances and exits should have: Solid door with deadbolt locks. One way peepholes in doors. Bars and locks on skylights. Restrict the possession of house keys. Change all of the locks if keys are lost or stolen and when moving into a previously occupied residence.

"Lock all entrances at night, including the garage.

"Keep the house locked, even if you are at home.

"Develop friendly relationships with neighbors.

"Arrange for an unlisted/unregistered home telephone number (this limits accessibility to home address).

"Obtain Caller ID on all phone lines.

"Don’t leave notes on doors," etc.

For abortion facility security, the task force advised:

"Keep bomb threat/personal threat checklists by each telephone.

"All staff members should familiarize themselves with the form(s). Each form should have space at the top for: Telephone number the threat was received on. Exact time of call. Exact words of the caller. Install deadbolt locks on office doors leading to hallways and other public areas. Consider installing a ‘buzzer’ entry door system. Managers should issue and control keys, conduct semiannual inventories, and have locks changed when keys are missing.

"Have offices cleaned during business hours. Ensure that cleaning personnel do not have access to security alarms or authorization to disarm them. Instruct all employees on operation of your security system. Do not allow visitors access to secure areas. Do not allow persons visiting one office to have access to other offices or areas. Immediately report persons who appear unannounced in your work area or who say they ‘opened the wrong door’ or ‘were looking for another office’. . . .

"Do not use ‘vanity’ plates that identify you by name or business affiliation."

This Department of Justice task force security list was last updated January 11, 2001, just as the 9-11 terrorists were settling into their flight school classes.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: abortion; activism; antiterrorism; babykillers; clintonlegacy; cultureofdeath; doublestandard; liberalagenda; nationalsecurity; prolife; terorrism; vrwc; waronterror; wot

1 posted on 08/04/2004 10:10:17 PM PDT by AskStPhilomena
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To: AskStPhilomena

The Clinton War Against The White Man...

2 posted on 08/04/2004 10:13:13 PM PDT by oolatec
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To: oolatec

The Clinton War against the white, black, red, etc., baby....I would like President Bush to be more aggressively pro-life, but at least the tormenting and harassment of pro-lifers - which we saw during Clinton's years - has subsided. It would multiply under Kerry. A few years ago, I watched him on C-Span, making the most hate-filled speech I have ever seen directed against pro-lifers.

3 posted on 08/04/2004 11:12:19 PM PDT by line drive to right
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To: AskStPhilomena
Meanwhile, the Unabomber, SUV arson, PETA, Greenpeace, et al are all considered "lone nuts" and RICO statutes are not used to seize their funds.

Political terrorism comes across the spectrum. The Clinton White House seemed to focus on the "right wing extremists" who listen to talk radio. He successfully spun the threat they posed to national security (See? OKC!!!) to a second term.

4 posted on 08/05/2004 12:29:36 AM PDT by weegee (YOU could have been aborted, and you wouldn't have had a CHOICE about it.)
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To: weegee; AskStPhilomena

and RICO statutes are not used to seize their funds.>>

Yea, and it was so-called, pro-life Miguel Estrada who filed a brief for NOW who went against Scheidler in the RICO Suit.

5 posted on 08/06/2004 9:42:30 AM PDT by Coleus (Brooke Shields killed her children?
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To: AskStPhilomena; 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; afraidfortherepublic; Alas; al_c; american colleen; ..
We all know that Kopp had to be tracked down, arrested and tried in court, but at what cost? You can run and can't hide which means that he would have turned up somewhere at some time sooner or later.

Seems there was an inappropriate deployment of federal resources tracking down one man who murdered one person while Al-Qaeda was planning and executing their plan of mass destruction in NYC and DC.

Remember, Kopp is one man, there are thousands of pro- lifers out there doing the Lord's work, praying, doing sidewalk counseling and running crisis pregnancy centers, these people were also investigated by the feds since Kopp volunteered in one of their centers for a brief time. Many Democrats love to use Kopp as an example and argument indicating that all  pro-life advocates are like him.

Klondike kat always gets his mouse while Osama is laughing at the infidels.

Trooper kicks pro-lifer out of state

Anti-abortion protesters allege police harassment

The Ant and the Grasshopper - updated [Free Republic]

CitizenLink - Features - VAAPCON-troversy

FrontPage :: Christian Terrorism? by Lowell Ponte

VAAPCON Docs - Insight on the News - Nation

FBI Database Monitors Catholic Bishops, Pro-Life Groups      EWTN News Story

Report on Clinic Violence 1998-2000

WorldNetDaily: Why I brought suit against the White House

Ungodly Subtle Unity of Church and State

Judicial Watch - Because no one is above the law!

WorldNetDaily: Abortion politics meet law enforcement

FBI files were being uploaded into computers at the orders of Hillary Clinton

Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?

6 posted on 08/06/2004 9:45:14 AM PDT by Coleus (Brooke Shields killed her children?
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To: AskStPhilomena
In October 1998, as Kopp was plotting to wound Slepian,

Who is Likoudis trying to fool?

Kopp's a murderer and deserved to be tracked down like every other murderer.

In perfect hindsight, one could say the FBI should have been more focused on the 19 Saudis. But, that's with perfect hindsight.

This veiled defense of Kopp makes The Wanderer look goofy.

7 posted on 08/06/2004 9:59:40 AM PDT by sinkspur (If we were as good as our dogs think we are, what a wonderful world it would be!!)
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To: sinkspur

Agreed. Think that point'll get lost, though, because we tend to overlook the evil done by people when we identify with their motives.

8 posted on 08/06/2004 10:11:03 AM PDT by horatio
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To: horatio

I expect that we'll see this on the six o'clock news - yes ?

sarcasm to the max!

9 posted on 08/06/2004 12:26:00 PM PDT by George from New England
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