The Swifties made it known before Kerry got the nomination that they were pissed because of the 'biography' written for Kerry, "Tour of Duty" and they fabrications and lies that painted the Swifties as war criminals along with every GI in 'Nam!
They stated at their news conference (carried on C-SPAN) that they were going public after all these years because of Kerry's book. They denounced any political or partisan affiliation, in fact O'Neill is a registered Democrat (he is a lawyer). Other Swifties are also Dems. Their beef is with Kerry and all they asked is for Kerry to publicly release his full military records, (performance and health). Kerry knew if he did it, it would kill his 'I'm a hero' bit, and called their bluff, hoping to smear them with the momentum of the time.
Kerry screwed up, cause they guys have opened the eyes and many Vietnam veterans have decided to expunge the poison that has resided within themselves for more than 30 years. I'm gonna expunge this poison from my gut and hopefully I'll be able to get more than 3 hours sleep a night when I am sure Kerry won't be piloting our ship of state. Kerry is gonna feel every once of it.
John O'Neill will be a man that they will have a very hard time hurting. I know people that know O'Neill. He is a brilliant man.
O'Neill debated Kerry on Dick Cavette many years ago. Since then he has been asked to come out against Kerry as Kerry sought public office. O'Neill would not but from what I hear he just could not sit still while there was a chance Kerry could be elected president. O'Neill knows what he was getting himself in to by coming out against Kerry. They are going to come after him with all they have. He is very very brave to do what he has done.
All we can do is support men like O'Neill. I did by buying his book. I can't wait to read it.
I predict that like he did so many years ago John O'Neill will call Kerry out. Dare him to debate him again. That would be great to see but I doubt Kerry's handlers will let him get within 100 miles of John O'Neill. And the major media will avoid O'Neill like the plague. He's just too smart and that scares them.
I'm a Veteran, and I vote!
Maybe Hanoi John Effing Kerry's lies about Vietnam and those of us who served in that very winnable war in his feebble, futile effort to win the Presidency will, for once and all, end the ad nauseum discussion about Vietnam.
Most of us have moved on with our lives. Kerry and his band of LIEberal syncophants seem to be stuck in some sort of '70s time warp and by continually revisiting (and revising!) that bitter period of US History, seek to divide us FRom each other for skanky political purposes.
Hanoi John Effing Kerry's defeat in November will come as a huge repudiation of his life and will cause me no end of personal glee and satisfaction. That sonofabitch deserves to go down in history as the second biggest loser (after der Sleichmeister und GroppenFrueher) to ever strut and fret upon the US political stage!