This is America after all not a third world nation - we can't let our political differences shut down commerce or dialogue.
I haven't heard Ben Affleck's opinions, so I have no reason to not see his movies, aside from the simple fact that I he seems to be rather bland and hasn't made a movie that interests me. I don't have a problem with listening to a rational discussion, although facts seem to be fairly unimportant to the more measured liberals.
What's wrong with letting supply and demand work in Hollywood? Doesn't conservative money have as much right as liberal money to affect film-making?
OK Teresa...
Knock off making comments on Destro's computer.
If someone chooses not to see a movie because the poster was printed on glossy paper & they hate glossy paper - that is their business.
I will note, however, that as a rule of thumb, actors / actresses / musicians who hang out with politicians tend to be "C" level talents with "A" level reputations. And when they hang out with democrats, they are revealing poor judgement that is also reflected in what movies they make.
Conservative actors tend to be content with acting. Liberal actors tend to promote messages in their performances - messages that detract from whatever talent they may possess.
Never have seen a Ben-flick...but if someone pointed out that an actor in the movie is Ben, I'd spend the rest of the movie thinking "This dork chased the well-traveled road that is J-Lo's..." and "This dork hates everything that is important to me". It would ruin the film for me.
Affleck is an annoying twerp, whatever his politics may be.