"The technology will insidiously insert itself into the system, first in smaller ways, then in larger ways, until people get used to it," said Peterson of the Arlington Institute. "Then it will become a common and easy way to establish identity."
It'll go something like this (in chronological order):
1. Pets (check)
2. Stupid people who want them voluntarily (check)
Now onto the important part, involuntary humans...
3. Soldiers (Your @__ belongs to the Corps!, and the Corps wants a chip in its property!)
4. Sex Offenders. (It's very important to start with them, because those opposed can be portreyed as sympathetic to perverts: "Besides, soldiers have them! Do you think molesters are above soldiers!?")
3. People on parole/probation (no chip? serve your time!)
4. All prisoners
6. Anyone arrested
Next is the hard part, people who haven't been accused of breaking the law:
7. Anyone who works with children
8. Anyone who wants a professional license
9. Anyone who wants a drivers license
10. Anyone who wants a job
This is all as predictible as tomorrow mornings sunrise.
Civil Libertarians would have fits if non-law breakers were required to get chipped. Hell, they'll probably have fits about mandating them for parolees.
There are a lot more despotic places in this world than the U.S., and I don't see their leaderships sniffing around these chip companies.
11. Newborns. There'll be a kidnapping of an unchipped child, and then "Robin Chris's law" will be passed making NOT chipping a baby proof of neglect.
That's easy - just sell it to them as a "convenient" way to pay with their credit card. All you have to do is swipe your hand under the scanner ...
I for one, think you have hit the nail squarely on the head.
Your reply 16 just about sums it up.
that's a good summary of the expected progression