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Hannity Show Announcement (VANITY)
The Sean Hannity Show
| 7/26/04
| NorCoGOP
Posted on 07/26/2004 12:46:42 PM PDT by NorCoGOP
At the intro of his show, Sean alluded to a newsbreaking announcement regarding Teresa Heinz-Kerry due to break at the start of Hannity & Colmes tonight...
Anyone have any clue as to the substance of the announcement? I couldn't tell by his tone if it is huge anti or pro-Teresa type news....
TOPICS: Announcements; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: hannitybites; kerry; lightweight; lowiq; teresaheinz
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The News:
She was once fondled by Bill Clinton.
To: mcg1969
From Rush: I have a feeling... when things like this happen... and I've been around a long time, my friends, and I know where of which I speak... When things like this happen, curious, interested reporters say "Hmm, I wonder if there are other examples of this kind of behavior from this person---no matter who the person is."
posted on
07/26/2004 1:13:04 PM PDT
To: bankwalker
Maybe Sean's coming out with a new book. A new book? That implies he's done a previous book. I wonder why I never hear him mention that?
posted on
07/26/2004 1:13:18 PM PDT
Hank Rearden
(Refuse to allow anyone who could only get a government job tell you how to run your life.)
To: johnfkerrysucks
My guess?
She had separated from JF'nK -- maybe even filed for divorce -- and then pulled it back once he became a viable candidate.
That would certainly explain her obvious dislike of being touched by John Kerry.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:13:35 PM PDT
To: Josh in PA
Have we ever seen Ta RAY Za and Bill in the same room at the same time???? Maybe she IS Bill Clinton?
To: Tom602
She actually prefers Hunt's Ketchup. :)
posted on
07/26/2004 1:14:46 PM PDT
(Sandy Berger stuffed my tagline in his pants!)
To: two23
he said it does have to do with older sound bytes by Terayza H.We can assume it isn't a Michael Moore documentary.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:16:16 PM PDT
(Me, too!--Weinie)
To: Josh in PA
Democrats: "The fact that Teresa Heinz-Kerry is a racist is not important. What's important is, the timing of this leak during the Democratic Convention." Actually whats more important is that Flipper is MARRIED to a racist.
To: 1Old Pro
Sean is giving them hell today........... WTG Hannity!
posted on
07/26/2004 1:18:06 PM PDT
To: Eric in the Ozarks
Don't count on that. Kerry could spend three nights in a Motel 6 with Arafat and American Jews would still vote DemocratGW could put prominate blacks in his administration & the blacks will still vote for the commies. Rove can PO every legal citizen in America & kick Tancredo out of the WH & no more Hispanics will vote republican. But the white, heteroesxual, God-fearing, gun toting, tax paying people get second string, hollow promises & they are the fools that vote their demise in this "Two-Party Cartel".
posted on
07/26/2004 1:18:28 PM PDT
To: Mayflower Sister
Maybe she IS Bill Clinton?He has better hair.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:18:30 PM PDT
(Me, too!--Weinie)
To: NorCoGOP
Teresa is inaugurating a new corporate/foundation motto.
Heinz---57 obscenities!
posted on
07/26/2004 1:18:49 PM PDT
(On the front line)
What's Sean talking about
To: NorCoGOP
Turns out that Teresa is one of those drunken, brain-dead housewives who is always calling Hannity on his radio show proclaiming their love for him and urging him to run for President.
To: NorCoGOP
Shaun could have easily refuted that guy, but he wouldn't shut up long enough for the guy to hang himself.
He just ended up shouting the guy down rather than refuting his easily refutable points.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:20:21 PM PDT
(My Biography: Psalm 40:1-3)
To: VMI70
"After watching and listening to her over the past few weeks, I contend that she is taking strong (legal) drugs.(I thinks so too)
posted on
07/26/2004 1:20:33 PM PDT
To: Bluntpoint
No analysis, no discussion - just sound bites, interruptions, announcement of upcoming segment contents (before and after each commercial) - then we get to the 5 min of discussion with all talking at the same time trying to get in their little message.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:21:32 PM PDT
(Vote for President Bush - It's just not safe to vote Democrat.-a bunch of crooks!)
To: Josh in PA
Hannity is at the convention. He has McGovern coming up. He is telling them all they are liars and they do not have a platform and they flip flop on the issues and he will yell it from the rafters at the DNC to let the world know!
WTG Hannity! I have always loved you and do listen 3 times a day and have both books.... Hannity just stood up to 3 in a row... and deserves to be heard!
posted on
07/26/2004 1:21:37 PM PDT
To: NorCoGOP
Rush was speculating today that perhaps TerAYza had made off the cuff comments in the past about Teddy K and the Dims back when she was the wife of a Republican Senator.
posted on
07/26/2004 1:21:53 PM PDT
(Grill Berger, then add Ketchup)
You need to raise your expectations a bit.
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