To: Eric in the Ozarks
Don't count on that. Kerry could spend three nights in a Motel 6 with Arafat and American Jews would still vote DemocratGW could put prominate blacks in his administration & the blacks will still vote for the commies. Rove can PO every legal citizen in America & kick Tancredo out of the WH & no more Hispanics will vote republican. But the white, heteroesxual, God-fearing, gun toting, tax paying people get second string, hollow promises & they are the fools that vote their demise in this "Two-Party Cartel".
50 posted on
07/26/2004 1:18:28 PM PDT by
To: Digger
We have a two party system and since YOU don't like it,take it up with the FFs,who started it all and made sure that that's the way it would be.They knew,in their infinite wisdom,that a many headed hydra of a many party system doesn't work well;unlike you. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson