LOL!!!! No mouthful of teeth, at least from what I could see.
This child of mine is hilarious....she thinks nothing of chasing toads and lizards and wants to make pets out of earthworms.......but let there be a moth in the house - she goes ballistic into panic!!!!
I guess I did similar things when I was 6..though not on such a regular basis. I lived in the city and didn't have the advantage she has of living in the country.
OH wait, what am I talking about?........I'm a smoker...smokers are child abusers and never do anything for their children, let alone make sure they have advantages that mom and dad didn't have. silly me.
Don't ya just love the stuff the antis actually believe about smokers???????
They know it's not true. But they are hoping the general non-smoking public will believe it's true. ugh!
You should be a witness to this Partnership for a Tobacco Free Maine TV ad they hired teen-agers to put together.
Same old chit.......snaggly yellow teeth, dirty stringy get the picture.
And all funded by the taxes smokers in Maine spend when they purchase cigarettes.