When you say you are sorry for being snippy and nasty to me, I will answer. You start by telliing me what bad things he has done to Baltimore.
So what has he done bad in Baltimordor:
1. Promised zero tolerance for criminals. He forgot the "zero" and implemented tolerance.
2. Bankrupted the school system.
3. Maintains a climate hostile to business.
4. Hostile to the police force.
5. Winks at illegal immigration. Some would even say he supports illegal immigration to expand Demoncrat voter base
6. City officials associated with him being investigated for corruption.
7. When commenting on homeland security program in Baltimordor, he said he is more worried about President Bush than Osama Bin Laden.
8. Is creating an entire city agency to investigate fraud, corruption and mismanagement in city government....
Need I go on??