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Threat Matrix: Daily Terror Threat - Thread FOURTEEN
Yahoo News ^
| 07-18-04
| Randall Mikkelsen
Posted on 07/18/2004 6:57:48 PM PDT by JustPiper
Picture credit: TheCabal
"I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat"
CIA: 9/11 Plotters Transited Iran, Govt Tie Unseen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About eight of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers passed through Iran before attacking the United States, but there is no sign of official Iranian complicity, the CIA (news - web sites)'s acting director said on Sunday.
We are the "Stotters" who make ourselves aware of the enemy who wishes to do us harm
Meet It!
Greet It!
Defeat It!
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To: Labyrinthos; All
To: Cindy
posted on
07/21/2004 8:21:16 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: HipShot
posted on
07/21/2004 8:22:57 AM PDT
null and void
(Middle East n. former name for the region commonly known as Oil Under Glass)
To: JustPiper
A good morning place bump. ;-D
posted on
07/21/2004 8:23:38 AM PDT
Judith Anne
(Just another Bush-bot biddy drinking that Republican KoolAid.)
To: Cindy
posted on
07/21/2004 8:25:44 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: freeperfromnj
Here's an idea. The vendors can stay as long as they submit to a background security check and agree to random inspections of their carts.
posted on
07/21/2004 8:27:37 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: Quix
posted on
07/21/2004 8:29:00 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: Labyrinthos
To: JustPiper
Once more I am grateful to you.
posted on
07/21/2004 8:31:06 AM PDT
(We're going to take things away from you (guns) on behalf of the common good." Hillary 6/29/2004)
To: freeperfromnj
But I doubt the NYC ACLU would concur.
To: bored at work
What bothered me in regards to the "twin cities" reference is an incident each yesterday in
Clinton, Illinois
Clinton, Iowa
I do not think we know what the twin cities are besides, Medina and Mecca and Minnesota
posted on
07/21/2004 8:33:03 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: texasbluebell
He sounds like Sally Fields:
"You like me, your really, really, like me"
posted on
07/21/2004 8:37:01 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: drymans wife
Sometimes pics don't turn out but if you right click you can see it
posted on
07/21/2004 8:39:17 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: Labyrinthos
Port of Jacksonville, FL Closed
Quick shot
Posted on 07/21/2004 9:31:30 AM CDT by Quick Shot
The port is currently closed from 11th to 35 street on Talleyrand. No local news. Police are turning around all traffic and the local switching train service has stopped.
posted on
07/21/2004 8:42:28 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: All
jihadwatch.orgGraham: Not Only Iran Behind Al Qaeda/9-11
Last night on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) said that he knew for a fact that another country besides Iran was behind 9/11 and Al-Qaeda. (Thanks to Foehammer for the link.)
GRAHAM: Chris, youre also assuming that the only foreign government that provided assistance to al Qaeda was Iran, based on this new information. I dont think thats correct. There were a number of instances in which our people were put at greater risk because of the actions of foreign governments. Unfortunately, for reason that are inexplicable to me, thats been withheld from the American people. I hope that this instance in Iran will be the basis of the government telling our people who are our friends and who our enemies really are.
MATTHEWS: Right. But Senator Graham, do you know for a fact that any other government helped the al Qaeda people hit us on 9/11?
GRAHAM: I cannot say that.
MATTHEWS: Is it among usual suspects?
GRAHAM: Well, I dont know who your usual suspects are.
MATTHEWS: Well, how abouthow abouthow about the kind of governments the president lists in his axis of evil? How about that for a start?
GRAHAM: Well, let me say this. There isas Senator Lott has just said, there has been some reporting in those newspapers and magazines about this, so its not completely withheld from the American people. And some of that has been declassified. But the government has not been forthcoming in saying, Heres who was involved, and heres what were going to do about it.
MATTHEWS: Id love to know that list.
posted on
07/21/2004 8:45:00 AM PDT
(Terrorism:The unlawful use or THREAT of violence by a person or an organized group...)
To: HipShot
Port Jacksonville has apparently been closed because of a bomb threat to the offices of the Longshoreman's Union.
To: Labyrinthos
Facts about Port of Jacksonville
Sounds like it's next to the oil refinery tanks on the west bank. Not far from next year's Superbowl Stadium
Not the port but a section of the St. Johns river. The area is opposite Jacksonville University on the other bank
Wasn't there a report in FR two-three months ago about suspicious activity by Middle Eastern men in or near a Florida port or military base?
Port Richey is on the West Coast north of Tarpon Springs
The Naval Station at Mayport, FL is down the river from there.
Mayport Naval Air Station and Naval Base, but this is just east of the city of Jacksonville.
I wonder if Jacksonville is conducting a similar drill.
posted on
07/21/2004 8:49:26 AM PDT
(Swapping Cindy for the decoder ring for "Empty Only Mind posters")
To: Mrs. Xtrmst
I was told it could have been an AWAX, I am having a hard time finding a picture of it. Can anyone post a picture for me.... please................
To: nw_arizona_granny
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