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The Senate's bad intelligence [Wilson/Plame letter to Sen Roberts]
Salon ^ | 7/16/04 | Joe Wilson

Posted on 07/17/2004 8:12:44 AM PDT by Gothmog

Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson demands that Republican members of the Senate Intelligence Committee set the record straight.

July 16, 2004 | Editor's note: Last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released its report on the U.S. intelligence community's prewar assessments on Iraq. An appendix discusses the role taken by former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson in determining whether Iraq had obtained uranium from Niger. The following is Wilson's letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee pointing to errors in the Republican senators' additional comments to the report and demanding corrections.

The Hon. Pat Roberts, Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

The Hon. Jay Rockefeller, Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Dear Sen. Roberts and Sen. Rockefeller,

I read with great surprise and consternation the Niger portion of Sens. Roberts, Bond and Hatch's additional comments to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee's Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community's Prewar Assessment on Iraq. I am taking this opportunity to clarify some of the issues raised in these comments.

First conclusion: "The plan to send the former ambassador to Niger was suggested by the former ambassador's wife, a CIA employee."

That is not true. The conclusion is apparently based on one anodyne quote from a memo Valerie Plame, my wife, sent to her superiors that says, "My husband has good relations with the PM [prime minister] and the former Minister of Mines (not to mention lots of French contacts), both of whom could possibly shed light on this sort of activity." There is no suggestion or recommendation in that statement that I be sent on the trip. Indeed it is little more than a recitation of my contacts and bona fides. The conclusion is reinforced by comments in the body of the report that a CPD [Counterproliferation Division] reports officer stated that "the former ambassador's wife 'offered up his name'" (page 39) and a State Department intelligence and research officer stated that the "meeting was 'apparently convened by [the former ambassador's] wife who had the idea to dispatch him to use his contacts to sort out the Iraq-Niger uranium issue."

In fact, Valerie was not in the meeting at which the subject of my trip was raised. Neither was the CPD reports officer. After having escorted me into the room, she [Valerie] departed the meeting to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. It was at that meeting where the question of my traveling to Niger was broached with me for the first time and came only after a thorough discussion of what the participants did and did not know about the subject. My bona fides justifying the invitation to the meeting were the trip I had previously taken to Niger to look at other uranium-related questions as well as 20 years living and working in Africa, and personal contacts throughout the Niger government. Neither the CPD reports officer nor the State analyst were in the chain of command to know who, or how, the decision was made. The interpretations attributed to them are not the full story. In fact, it is my understanding that the reports officer has a different conclusion about Valerie's role than the one offered in the "additional comments." I urge the committee to reinterview the officer and publicly publish his statement.

It is unfortunate that the report failed to include the CIA's position on this matter. If the staff had done so it would undoubtedly have been given the same evidence as provided to Newsday reporters Tim Phelps and Knut Royce in July 2003. They reported on July 22 that:

"A senior intelligence officer confirmed that Plame was a Directorate of Operations undercover officer who worked 'alongside' the operations officers who asked her husband to travel to Niger. But he said she did not recommend her husband to undertake the Niger assignment. 'They [the officers who did ask Wilson to check the uranium story] were aware of who she was married to, which is not surprising,' he said. 'There are people elsewhere in government who are trying to make her look like she was the one who was cooking this up, for some reason,' he said. 'I can't figure out what it could be.' 'We paid his [Wilson's] airfare. But to go to Niger is not exactly a benefit. Most people you'd have to pay big bucks to go there,' the senior intelligence official said. Wilson said he was reimbursed only for expenses." (Newsday article "Columnist Blows CIA Agent's Cover," dated July 22, 2003).

In fact, on July 13 of this year, David Ensor, the CNN correspondent, did call the CIA for a statement of its position and reported that a senior CIA official confirmed my account that Valerie did not propose me for the trip:

"'She did not propose me,' he [Wilson] said -- others at the CIA did so. A senior CIA official said that is his understanding too."

Second conclusion: "Rather than speaking publicly about his actual experiences during his inquiry of the Niger issue, the former ambassador seems to have included information he learned from press accounts and from his beliefs about how the Intelligence Community would have or should have handled the information he provided."

This conclusion states that I told the committee staff that I "may have become confused about my own recollection after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that the names and dates on the documents were not correct." At the time that I was asked that question, I was not afforded the opportunity to review the articles to which the staff was referring. I have now done so.

On March 7, 2003, the director general of the IAEA reported to the U.N. Security Council that the documents that had been given to him were "not authentic." His deputy, Jacques Baute, was even more direct, pointing out that the forgeries were so obvious that a quick Google search would have exposed their flaws. A State Department spokesman was quoted the next day as saying about the forgeries, "We fell for it." From that time on the details surrounding the documents became public knowledge and were widely reported. I was not the source of information regarding the forensic analysis of the documents in question; the IAEA was.

The first time I spoke publicly about the Niger issue was in response to the State Department's disclaimer. On CNN a few days later, in response to a question, I replied that I believed the U.S. government knew more about the issue than the State Department spokesman had let on and that he had misspoken. I did not speak of my trip.

My first public statement was in my article of July 6 published in the New York Times, written only after it became apparent that the administration was not going to deal with the Niger question unless it was forced to. I wrote the article because I believed then, and I believe now, that it was important to correct the record on the statement in the president's State of the Union address which lent credence to the charge that Iraq was actively reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. I believed that the record should reflect the facts as the U.S. government had known them for over a year. The contents of my article do not appear in the body of the report and it is not quoted in the "additional comments." In that article, I state clearly that "as for the actual memorandum, I never saw it. But news accounts have pointed out that the documents had glaring errors -- they were signed, for example, by officials who were no longer in government -- and were probably forged. (And then there's the fact that Niger formally denied the charges.)"

The first time I actually saw what were represented as the documents was when Andrea Mitchell, the NBC correspondent, handed them to me in an interview on July 21. I was not wearing my glasses and could not read them. I have to this day not read them. I would have absolutely no reason to claim to have done so. My mission was to look into whether such a transaction took place or could take place. It had not and could not. By definition that makes the documents bogus.

The text of the "additional comments" also asserts that "during Mr. Wilson's media blitz, he appeared on more than thirty television shows including entertainment venues. Time and again, Joe Wilson told anyone who would listen that the President had lied to the American people, that the Vice President had lied, and that he had 'debunked' the claim that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa."

My article in the New York Times makes clear that I attributed to myself "a small role in the effort to verify information about Africa's suspected link to Iraq's nonconventional weapons programs." After it became public that there were then-Ambassador to Niger Barbro Owens-Kirkpatrick's report and the report from a four-star Marine Corps general, Carleton Fulford, in the files of the U.S. government, I went to great lengths to point out that mine was but one of three reports on the subject. I never claimed to have "debunked" the allegation that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa. I claimed only that the transaction described in the documents that turned out to be forgeries could not have occurred and did not occur. I did not speak out on the subject until several months after it became evident that what underpinned the assertion in the State of the Union address were those documents, reports of which had sparked Vice President Cheney's original question that led to my trip. The White House must have agreed. The day after my article appeared in the Times a spokesman for the president told the Washington Post that "the sixteen words did not rise to the level of inclusion in the State of the Union."

I have been very careful to say that while I believe that the use of the 16 words in the State of the Union address was a deliberate attempt to deceive the Congress of the United States, I do not know what role the president may have had other than he has accepted responsibility for the words he spoke. I have also said on many occasions that I believe the president has proven to be far more protective of his senior staff than they have been to him.

The "additional comments" also assert: "The Committee found that, for most analysts, the former ambassador's report lent more credibility, not less, to the reported Niger-Iraq uranium deal." In fact, the body of the Senate report suggests the exact opposite:

Bring Hollywood home! Check out thousands of DVD titles at Circuit City.

In August 2002, a CIA NESA [Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Analysis] report on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities did not include the alleged Iraq-Niger uranium information. (page 48)

In September 2002, during coordination of a speech with an NSC staff member, the CIA analyst suggested the reference to Iraqi attempts to acquire uranium from Africa be removed. The CIA analyst said the NSC staff member said that would leave the British "flapping in the wind." (page 50)

The uranium text was included in the body of the NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] but not in the key judgments. When someone suggested that the uranium information be included as another sign of reconstitution, the INR [State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research] Iraq nuclear analyst spoke up and said the he did not agree with the uranium reporting and that INR would be including text indicating their disagreement in their footnote on nuclear reconstitution. The NIO [national intelligence officer] said he did not recall anyone really supporting including the uranium issue as part of the judgment that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program, so he suggested that the uranium information did not need to be part of the key judgments. He told committee staff that he suggested, "We'll leave it in the paper for completeness. Nobody can say we didn't connect the dots. But we don't have to put that dot in the key judgments." (page 53)

On Oct. 2, 2002, the Deputy DCI [director of central intelligence] testified before the SSCI [Senate Select Committee on Intelligence]. Sen. Jon Kyl asked the Deputy DCI whether he had read the British White Paper and whether he disagreed with anything in the report. The Deputy DCI testified that "the one thing where I think they stretched a little bit beyond where we would stretch is on the points about Iraq seeking uranium from various African locations." (page 54)

On Oct. 4, 2002, the NIO for Strategic and Nuclear Programs testified that "there is some information on attempts ... there's a question about those attempts because of the control of the material in those countries ... For us it's more the concern that they [Iraq] have uranium in-country now." (page 54)

On Oct. 5, 2002, the ADDI [associate deputy director for intelligence] said an Iraqi nuclear analyst -- he could not remember who -- raised concerns about the sourcing and some of the facts of the Niger reporting, specifically that the control of the mines in Niger would have made it very difficult to get yellowcake to Iraq. (page 55)

Based on the analyst's comments, the ADDI faxed a memo to the deputy national security advisor that said, "Remove the sentence because the amount is in dispute and it is debatable whether it can be acquired from this source. We told Congress that the Brits have exaggerated this issue. Finally, the Iraqis already have 550 metric tons of uranium oxide in their inventory." (page 56)

On Oct. 6, 2002, the DCI called the deputy national security advisor directly to outline the CIA's concerns. The DCI testified to the SSCI on July 16, 2003, that he told the deputy national security advisor that the "President should not be a fact witness on this issue," because his analysts had told him the "reporting was weak." (page 56)

On Oct. 6, 2002, the CIA sent a second fax to the White House that said, "More on why we recommend removing the sentence about procuring uranium oxide from Africa: Three points (1) The evidence is weak. One of the two mines cited by the source as the location of the uranium oxide is flooded. The other mine cited by the source is under the control of the French authorities. (2) The procurement is not particularly significant to Iraq's nuclear ambitions because the Iraqis already have a large stock of uranium oxide in their inventory. And (3) we have shared points one and two with Congress, telling them that the Africa story is overblown and telling them this is one of the two issues where we differed with the British." (page 56)

On March 8, 2003, the intelligence report on my trip was disseminated within the U.S. government, according to the Senate report (page 43). Further, the Senate report states that "in early March, the Vice President asked his morning briefer for an update on the Niger uranium issue." That update from the CIA "also noted that the CIA would be debriefing a source who may have information related to the alleged sale on March 5." The report then states the "DO officials also said they alerted WINPAC [Center for Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation and Arms Control] analysts when the report was being disseminated because they knew the high priority of the issue." The report notes that the CIA briefer did not brief the vice president on the report. (page 46)

It is clear from the body of the Senate report that the intelligence community, including the DCI himself, made several attempts to ensure that the president did not become a "fact witness" on an allegation that was so weak. A thorough reading of the report substantiates the claim made in my opinion piece in the New York Times and in subsequent interviews I have given on the subject. The 16 words should never have been in the State of the Union address, as the White House now acknowledges.

I undertook this mission at the request of my government in response to a legitimate concern that Saddam Hussein was attempting to reconstitute his nuclear weapons program. This was a national security issue that has concerned me since I was the deputy chief of mission in the U.S. Embassy in Iraq before and during the first Gulf War.

At the time of my trip I was in private business and had not offered my views publicly on the policy we should adopt toward Iraq. Indeed, throughout the debate in the run-up to the war, I took the position that the U.S. be firm with Saddam Hussein on the question of weapons of mass destruction programs, including backing tough diplomacy with the credible threat of force. In that debate I never mentioned my trip to Niger. I did not share the details of my trip until May 2003, after the war was over, and then only when it became clear that the administration was not going to address the issue of the State of the Union statement.

It is essential that the errors and distortions in the additional comments be corrected for the public record. Nothing could be more important for the American people than to have an accurate picture of the events that led to the decision to bring the United States into war in Iraq. The Senate Intelligence Committee has an obligation to present to the American people the factual basis of that process. I hope that this letter is helpful in that effort. I look forward to your further "additional comments."


Joseph C. Wilson IV, Washington, D.C.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bond; hatch; josephwilson; niger; nigerflap; plame; roberts; rockefeller; valerieplame; wilsonletter; yellowcake
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To: Gothmog

Let's see what Wilson and the wifey have to say UNDER OATH.

21 posted on 07/17/2004 8:39:37 AM PDT by mewzilla
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To: Gothmog
"The former ambassador's wife told Committee staff that she only attended the meeting to introduce her husband and left after about three minutes."

Wilson lies again. He just wrote to the Committee that she didn't attend the meeting and only escorted him there. How do you "avoid the appearance of conflict of interest" when your wife is the one introducing you to the individuals considering you for the trip? Why, if she wasn't recommending him for the position, was she even introducing him? Why was she even there?

Does Wilson actually believe that his wife's memo didn't have anything to do with his being considered for the job? Who the hell

22 posted on 07/17/2004 8:40:20 AM PDT by mass55th
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To: gaspar
"The question is this: Does anyone really believe that without his wife's intervention that Wilson would have been given an assignment to Niger?"

Well of course none with logic would believe it!

Wilsons' letter, and with reference to his wife Palme (SECRET AGENT MAN!) not recomending him for the job, saying ...

"The conclusion is apparently based on one anodyne quote from a memo Valerie Plame, my wife, sent to her superiors that says, "My husband has good relations with the PM [prime minister] and the former Minister of Mines (not to mention lots of French contacts), both of whom could possibly shed light on this sort of activity." There is no suggestion or recommendation in that statement that I be sent on the trip. Indeed it is little more than a recitation of my contacts and bona fides. The conclusion is reinforced by comments in the body of the report that a CPD [Counterproliferation Division] reports officer stated that "the former ambassador's wife 'offered up his name'" (page 39) and a State Department intelligence and research officer stated that the "meeting was 'apparently convened by [the former ambassador's] wife who had the idea to dispatch him to use his contacts to sort out the Iraq-Niger uranium issue."

23 posted on 07/17/2004 8:43:32 AM PDT by G.Mason (A war mongering, red white and blue, military industrial complex, Al Qaeda incinerating American.)
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To: Logical me

Lies indeed, I posted this on another FR thread about Wilson's 7/17/04 letter to the WPost complaining about their coverage:

More Wilson lies. From Wilson's letter to the WPost:

"In fact, with 2-year-old twins at home, Valerie did not relish my absence for a two-week period. But she acquiesced because, in the zeal to be responsive to the legitimate concerns raised by the vice president, officials of her agency turned to a known functionary who had previously checked out uranium-related questions for them."

Yet, we know that Plame thought the request to check out the Niger uranium story was "crazy." How could she consider Cheney's request to be "legitimate" while at the same time saying the request was "crazy."

24 posted on 07/17/2004 8:46:01 AM PDT by Gothmog (The 2004 election won't be about what one did in the military, but on how one would use it)
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To: Gothmog
"This conclusion states that I told the committee staff that I "may have become confused about my own recollection after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that the names and dates on the documents were not correct." At the time that I was asked that question, I was not afforded the opportunity to review the articles to which the staff was referring. I have now done so."

All this putz had to do was request the committe to provide him with the documents he was "confused" about before he made any statements to them. I'm sure he had a lawyer with him. Does anybody know who represents this jerk? His statement of "not being afforded" leads one to believe that he was denied the opportunity. He probably never even asked.

25 posted on 07/17/2004 8:46:53 AM PDT by mass55th
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To: Gothmog


Joseph C. Wilson IV, DNC Headquarters

26 posted on 07/17/2004 8:47:54 AM PDT by auboy (When John Kerry says he wants America to know the truth, where does he hide his lightning rod?)
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To: Peach
"It's worked for the Rats for years."

And the Nazis before them.

27 posted on 07/17/2004 8:49:36 AM PDT by mass55th
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To: Gothmog

Thanks for suffering in order the post this ....I still cant read it though ....Its making me sick

28 posted on 07/17/2004 8:51:29 AM PDT by woofie ( I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.)
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To: cyncooper

I know you want to see Wilson prosecuted, so here is something I noticed from David Corn's defense of Wilson in The Nation, 7/16/04:

"What Wilson told his CIA contacts, what he told reporters, what he said in public--accurate or not--did not justify disclosing Valerie Wilson's identity. Nor did it justify the subsequent White House effort to encourage other reporters to pursue the Valerie Wilson story. The leak was thuggish and possibly felonious. And the Wilsons and others are waiting to see what comes from Fitzgerald's investigation. (NBC News reported recently that the probe had expanded to examine possible acts of perjury and lying to investigators.) There is no telling if the investigation will end with indictments or whitewashing. It has been a mostly leak-free probe, and even senior people at the Justice Department say they have no idea where Fitzgerald is heading--if anywhere."

Hopefully the expansion of the investigation into lying and perjury means the FBI is pursuing Wilson, but I think that's just wishful thinking.

29 posted on 07/17/2004 8:51:44 AM PDT by Gothmog (The 2004 election won't be about what one did in the military, but on how one would use it)
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To: Gothmog

INTREP - Wilsom and Plame and the Never-ending Blame Game

30 posted on 07/17/2004 8:57:20 AM PDT by LiteKeeper (Secularization of America)
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To: Gothmog
Wilson is scrambling for his life now that the Senate report opens up the possibility of sedition charges against him.

There was some careful crafting behind this letter. For example, his wife might not have attended the interview meeting (but as someone mentioned above, her introduction of him had an implicit endorsement), but he doesn't explain why he was at the meeting to begin with. It wasn't a show-and-tell meeting where analysts were told to bring in a secret agent and they would pick one! Obviously there was some "selling" of the idea to send Wilson beforehand.

Whole lotta parsing goin on. Somebody indict his sorry old white arse.

31 posted on 07/17/2004 8:59:15 AM PDT by NonValueAdded ("We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good" HRC 6/28/2004)
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To: Gothmog

This just isn't enough. I want to hear about how Wilson became a paid Kerry stooge. When, in what capacity, and how much.

32 posted on 07/17/2004 9:13:42 AM PDT by Graymatter (Where's the Kerry mug shot?)
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To: Graymatter

Freeper Eva on another Wilson thread this morning posted this link to a 2003 FR thread with a Boston Herald editorial describing the timing of Wilson's hiring by the Kerry campaign and his lies about Bush.

33 posted on 07/17/2004 9:26:18 AM PDT by Gothmog (The 2004 election won't be about what one did in the military, but on how one would use it)
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To: Gothmog

Some "correction". He has dug his hole and is burying himself.

34 posted on 07/17/2004 9:28:58 AM PDT by cyncooper ("We will fear no evil...And we will prevail")
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To: Peach

Thanks---His "logic" continues to give me headaches.


35 posted on 07/17/2004 9:30:00 AM PDT by cyncooper ("We will fear no evil...And we will prevail")
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To: Gothmog

Plus his representation that she was reluctant to have him gone for two weeks leaving her alone with two young children is not the portrait of a covert agent. Yet more evidence to add to the heap that Plame was not in that role at this time, at the very least.

(All evidence is that she was indeed undercover years ago but had long since moved onto other duties.)

36 posted on 07/17/2004 9:50:28 AM PDT by cyncooper ("We will fear no evil...And we will prevail")
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To: Gothmog

Thanks for enduring Salon. Be sure to scrub your hard drive of viruses and spyware after visiting.

So now Wilson claims he never said in 30-someodd interviews that Bush lied? That should be easy enough to prove or disprove in a Lexis-Nexis search.

Does everyone forget that Bush sourced "British intelligence" before uttering the Niger claim in the SOTU address and that British intelligence has never, for a day, backtracked from that assessment?

Even if British intelligence was flat-out wrong (which it wasn't), Bush still did not lie. Nor was it an attempt to deceive Congress (to quote Wilson's charge). To say later that it didn't "rise to the level" of SOTU material only means it should have been better sourced or substantiated through American intelligence before coming out of the President's mouth in such an historic speech, not whether the statement was false. It wasn't adequately sourced for a major presidential speech. There is no admission of falsehood, as Mr. Wilson would like to portray.

If I were generous, I would say that Wilson severely misunderstood Washington's interpretation of his comments but I doubt I have need to be so sporting.

Wilson's claim is now refuted from both shores and it's up to Republicans to make this case known to the American people who were sold 30-someodd interviews of intentional deceit on the part of Mr. Wilson.

37 posted on 07/17/2004 9:51:17 AM PDT by Tall_Texan (Ronald Reagan - Greatest President of the 20th Century.)
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To: mass55th

Wilson likes to intertwine the forgeries with his trip when his trip was February 2002 and the forgeries don't appear on the scene until October 2002.

You're right--his wording "not afforded" was stated to convey a picture of Joe Wilson under a glaring light being interrogated and denied access to documents to refresh his memory. Of course he didn't need them so didn't ask for them, and the committee was pointing out that he deliberatly left false impressions about the matter in his press interviews.

He is trying to justify referring to them in a deceptive fashion as saying he is merely buttressing his "findings" (ha) with the forged document that appeared later, but the fact remains--he tries to leave a false impression.

Oh, I hope and pray he and his wife are held to account for this outrageous treachery.

38 posted on 07/17/2004 9:58:08 AM PDT by cyncooper ("We will fear no evil...And we will prevail")
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To: cyncooper

I cannot believe that there would be nepotism or conflict of interest within the gubmint. Say it ain't so!

39 posted on 07/17/2004 9:58:48 AM PDT by meenie
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To: Gothmog

Thank you very much for highlighting Corn's comments.

I still say keep hope alive. Remember, if it was easily determined Plame wasn't undercover and hadn't been for awhile, then it seems reasonable that the investigation is going in a different direction, since a crime hadn't been committed regarding her name being given out.

(I can't resist adding that despite Corn's assertion that the "leak" was thuggish, all available evidence to date is her role in his trip was disclosed by way of justification and/or explanation, not retaliation.)

I shouldn't get my hopes up too high, but I do have hope.

40 posted on 07/17/2004 10:03:09 AM PDT by cyncooper ("We will fear no evil...And we will prevail")
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