Okay, Bup for Bryan...
A long read but worth it for this phrase alone...
On Friday I called the ACLU and filed an official written complaint, wondering if they would respond. I thought it would be great to see them defending my right to post "THE A.C.L.U. We don't hate religion, we just hate Christianity" signs.
I now count Bryan Henderson,as one of my heroes..I propose that ProtestWarrior.com,be added to FreeRepublic's official links..and possibly to the Resources section.
I now realize,that my daughter's free speech rights were violated,when she was told to shut up about Bill Clinton,back when she was in highschool,during his last term and was facing impeachment.
I'm so proud of you Bryan and how you conducted yourself,that it brought tears to the eyes of this here Texas redneck..Keep up the GOOD FIGHT !
God Bless you and those who stand with you !