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To: Ronly Bonly Jones

Nobody here is saying that "Christians" are infaliable and cant do wrong. I will point out to you that it was other christian nations (USA, NATO) who bombed the "Christians" commiting these acts in Serbia.

When a Muslin nation (or group) declares war on a christian nation (or group) do other moslem nations interviene? Where is an outright conflict between Muslim nations aimed at protecting Chrisitan, Jewish, or other groups?

78 posted on 07/11/2004 1:54:29 PM PDT by N3WBI3
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To: N3WBI3

Amazing, A semi-civilized question. I'll try to give it the answer it deserves.

I know that Christians are not infallible. I'm a Christian and am reminded of this on a daily basis. However....

Yes, a few hundred Muslims from north Africa joined the Bosnian Muslims during the war in Bosnia. A few hundred American and Canadian Serbs joined the Serbs. A few hundred American and Canadian Croats joined the Croats.

It happened. It does not delegitimize any of the three sides that people came from overseas to fight in the various uniforms. That's not the question.

The question is this: do we allow Serb Nazis, who started and lost three wars against their neighbors, and the United States, in the last ten years, to try to twist their failed attempt to conquer their neighbors into an anti-Islamic crusade to which Americans should have joined them? I say NO. Nazis, of whatever flavor, must be crushed like bugs, whether they are Islamo-nazi terrorists of the Bin Laden variety, or small-town Serbian Nazis of the Arkan variety.

The Bosniacs are no more Muslim than Manhattanites are hardcore Baptists. To attempt to portray them as indistinguishable from gibbering machete wielding Islamonazis in Iraq is nothing more than an attempt to justify the mindless genocide committed against them in the late war, and to lay the groundwork for a second round of genocide if they can get away with it.

Nazis are evil, no matter whose flag they fly.

79 posted on 07/11/2004 2:02:06 PM PDT by Ronly Bonly Jones (truth is truth)
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To: N3WBI3

Yeah, he doesn't want to see all Christians punished!

Just every Serb everywhere regardless of whether or not they've ever done anything at all to Ol'BJ's beloved Muslims.

83 posted on 07/11/2004 2:16:03 PM PDT by FormerLib (Kosova: "land stolen from Serbs and given to terrorist killers in a futile attempt to appease them.")
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