What concerns me is that this guy is using a secondary issue to drum up support, when the real issue is that he got caught cheating. He comes across saying, "the state won't let me raise my kids the way I want to, and I may lose my home and business because of it," when in fact the $26,000 he was fined for endangering his kids is peanuts compared to the $107,000 he was fined for fraud.
Do I want the government telling this guy how to raise his kids? I do not. Evolution demands that the guy be allowed to kill his own kids in any way he sees fit. ;^)
Now, do you support his defrauding the workman's comp system?
I support neither fraud NOR the workman's comp system.
A closer examination of the evidence suggests that the department is the fraudulent one in this case. If Doty had commited fraud, it would have been plainly stated. Instead the department only alludes to allegations of suspicion, to cloud Doty's reputation. The underreporting concerns his children!