'Do you think Edwards can help win votes in the South? '
Geez. Chris and Edwards have the Republic of Chapel Hill in common; One from there, the other a UNC-CH grad. Look for Matthews to wet his pants each night over Edwards - July - November.
Then sulk for awhile if Kerry-Edwards loses in November, before switching to full-time shilling for Edwards in '08.
Howard Fineman had the last word, in answer to Matthews' question about who would win the election right now. Fineman of course, put on his most learned expression and in his unctuous pear-shaped tones opined that right now it would have to be Kerry because the war in Iraq is SO unpopular with most of the American population.
Smarmy, pompous little know-it-all. What a shock these types will get on election day when they discover that the unwashed masses don't all agree with their more learned opinions.